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Monday, March 26, 2018

Illegal Immigrant Gets Prison Time for Re-Entry

A federal judge in Pennsylvania sentenced a twice-deported illegal immigrant to eight months in prison. A state court sentenced the Mexican national to 90 days to five years in prison for a 2017 drunk driving conviction.

U.S. District Judge Nora Barry Fischer sentenced Pedro Omar Martinez-Alba, 30, to spend eight months in federal prison following his conviction for illegally re-entering the U.S. after having twice been deported. Immigration officers previously deported Martinez-Alba in January 2014 and again in November 2015, according to information obtained by Breitbart Texas from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania.

Police in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, arrested the illegal alien on a drunk driving charge in April 2017 — 17 months after his second deportation, U.S. Attorney Scott W. Brady stated.

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  1. That's right, plump him up on prison food while he communes with other illegal felons and gang members, then send him back south for another round. It may as well be a sleep away camp.

  2. 2nd. time, it means time to chop off his foot. If he has a 3rd. time cut off his head.
    This is how muslim countries do it.

  3. The Reverend Linda Lewis from Ocean Pines will take him in.


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