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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

ICE removal key goal of Democrats in 2020 election

The Democrats mulling a run for the White House in 2020 are facing intense pressure from liberals to campaign on abolishing the agency that enforces federal immigration laws, a proposal that was once relegated to the far-left fringe.

In protesting the Trump administration’s policies toward illegal immigration, liberal commentators and writers have been embracing the idea of gutting the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, which identifies, arrests and deports illegal immigrants inside the United States.

“This is a growing position on the left, and I imagine 2020 Democratic presidential aspirants will have to grapple with it,” liberal writer and MSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeted.




  1. I like Ted Cruz' idea - abolish the IRS and send all their agents to the border!

  2. Democrats seem willing to just give the country away,it can only lead to one thing,civil war. It could happen.

  3. America's Goal = Let ICE Remove the Democrats instead !!!


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