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Monday, March 19, 2018

Hillary Clinton Is Sorry You 'Misunderstood' Her Quip About Husbands Forcing Wives To Vote Trump

Spoiler alert: she's not actually sorry she said it, however.

Hillary Clinton said, in a Facebook post Sunday, that she's "sorry" if American women "misinterpreted" a quip she made during an interview in India, suggesting that women only voted for Donald Trump because their husbands, sons, and other men in their lives told them to.
"I understand how some of what I said upset people and can be misinterpreted. I meant no disrespect to any individual or group. And I want to look to the future as much as anybody," Clinton wrote.


  1. She's fallen and can't shut up.

  2. No one "misinterpreted" her remarks. My MOMMA used to say "if you don't know what your talking about, just shut your mouth".

  3. Ithink her idea of the future is to now see Chelsea Clinton come to power and become President.

  4. No hildabeast I voted for Trump, made up my own mind, and I don't even know a Russian.

  5. Every time she opens her mouth, she pisses me off even more.

  6. Hang her high so we can ALL see!

  7. What was she doing over there. Didn't look like she was treated as a tourist Spreading lies about Americans. She is not an American.

  8. She's sorry she got caught saying it, she's not sorry for saying it.


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