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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

High School Students Allegedly Suspended for Photo of Visit to Gun Range

Two High School students in New Jersey’s Lacey School District were allegedly suspended for posting a Snapchat photo of a visit to the gun range.

NJ.com reports that photo showed “four rifles, ammunition [magazines], and a gun duffel bag.” One of the students captioned the photo with “Fun day at the range.”

The photo was passed among students and eventually caught the attention of the Lacey Township High School administration. The two students subsequently received in-school suspension for five days, for allegedly violating the school’s weapons policy.

The school immediately faced a backlash over the suspensions, with the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) sending a cease and desist letter to the school district.



  1. Taking things just a few steps too far, aren't they?

  2. well, your schools are deciding your future, aren't they. That is how the Democraps got so much control. That and the illegals they give free stuff too.

  3. So this is what society has come to, you get kicked out of school becasue some kids had a god damn picture???

    This is the exact same crap that Florida sheriff said he wanted the power to do in that stupid interview... He said he wanted or needed the power to lock someone up or put them in a mental ward for evaluation, even to use force if necessary, all for showing, or mentioning guns, or weapons or anything involving guns, and that included having or showing pictures and the like...

    So now you know why all of these shootings are happening, the gov t has their hand behind them to take our guns, to pull at your heart strings bc, you didn't give a damn when it was the Boston bombing or any other kind of shooting, only when it involves kids...

    But lets not look at the fact people kill people not guns, and the fact that in the Florida shooting, the cops, you know your damn hero's you all follow blinding, you know where they can shoot someone in the back and you said it is OK and good and the guy should have followed the law and all that crap just ran the opposite way like scared cowards they really are???

    Think what you want, say what you want, but they keep taking taxes from us for schools and other bs crap and they can easily put in bullet proof glass and doors and locks with cameras and the like... most schools have in to begin with... Everything is for the kids, but they never do anything for the kids... BEcasue you people are stupid and lead with emotion over facts or knowledge...

    1. Deputy today stood tall was shot at and return one single round stopping the monster. Both shot at the exact same time without any cover or concealment. You have never done that and never will. Your a Cheetos fingers Typing warrior and that's ok. Just saying! Have a good day thank you

  4. It's getting worse, a young man can't even go to the range, which by the way is completely legal, on their own time without consequences from their school? I would get a good lawyer.

  5. Everybody knows guns are bad.
    So gun ranges are even worse!

    Ban gun ranges.

  6. These students are the good guys. They are on the range and not shooting innocent people in school or anywhere else.

  7. 4:50 Try reading the news. Deputy may have shot the shooter and may have shot the 14yo male. They have to dig the bullets out and see who shot whom.

  8. Someone needs to serve the principal and local board with some paperwork and maybe a copy of the Constitution.
    Liberals need to stay out of peoples lives. It’s gonna take a village to squash them out.


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