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Friday, March 30, 2018

Healey To Sue Trump — Again — Over Census Citizenship Question

BOSTON — Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey said Tuesday she plans to sue President Donald Trump’s administration over plans to reintroduce a citizenship question to the 2020 federal census.

“The Census is supposed to count everyone,” Healey said in a Twitter post Tuesday morning. “This is a blatant and illegal attempt by the Trump administration to undermine that goal.

“We will sue to ensure a fair and accurate Census that counts the people of Massachusetts.”



  1. "Everyone"... in accordance with the law. Meaning illegal immigrants are still against the law and should have never been counted.

  2. The Dems are hoping they have dumbed down the American population to a point where including illegals in the American Citizen Census makes sense.

  3. Right, then they should use the information to round up the illegals and deprot them.


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