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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Harvard Attacks Christian Group for Acting Like Christians

Freedom House puts out an index rating countries as free or partly free or not free based on whether their citizens have certain rights most Americans consider fundamental.

If Freedom House expanded the list to colleges, where would Harvard rank?

Surely not “free.”

Freedom of association is gone. Harvard College now has a policy in place to start punishing students who want to be members of a single-sex organization – even if the organization isn’t affiliated with the college.

Now freedom of religion is on the chopping block.



  1. Nothing new here. They can continue to deny the truth of the word its their soul. Some decide to remain in darkness

  2. Hold on...

    Harvard has a policy of NO discrimination based on sexual orientation, right?

    So, what is this religious group doing there in the first place? They know the policies, they don't have to be at this campus.

    Also, not all Christian groups hold this opinion on Christianity. In fact some Christians are gay, have no problem with being gay, and have gay clergy.

    The skew and spin in this article is just amazing.

    OH, and the dishonesty of this group. They didn't kick this woman out for being bi-sexual... they kicked her out for pursuing a relationship with another woman... you know... being bi-sexual. Just, unbelievable.

    This isn't a story of religious persecution, it is yet again another example of Christians trying to force feed their particular brand of religiosity on the rest of us. Freedom of religion means YOU get to practice your religion, not impose it on anyone else.

    The nerve of some people. Just outrageous.


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