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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Hannity Offers Comey Hour of TV, 3 Hours of Radio to Answer ‘Questions Colbert Might Miss’

Sean Hannity is challenging fired FBI Director turned Anti-Trump author Jim Comey to come on his programs to answer the tough questions liberal media figures are ignoring.

Friday, Hannity offered Comey a full hour on his “Hannity” television program – and the full three hours on his nationally-syndicated radio show – whenever Comey wants:

"James Comey you want to come out hot? You want to answer hard, important questions? You’re welcome on this program.

“Tonight, I am officially opening up an invitation to Jim Comey. You want to sell your book? Come on this show. We will give you a full hour. You name a day we will make it work. We will work with your schedule. I will give you three hours on my nationally syndicated radio show which by the way is on 575 radio stations around America. So everybody can hear from you.

“And we’ll ask you the tough questions. The ones that Stephen Colbert might miss.

For example:


  1. Brennan is a Treasonous coward .

  2. Not gonna happen.

  3. Pretty sure Comey would have Hannity for lunch.

    1. Lol go back to your mommy's Snowflake basement.

  4. Comey has proven himself to be a lying coward. He doesn't have the guts to appear on live TV. If his facts are also lies, look for legal action from the Trump administration. Trump is a fighter, he stands up to his enemies and his accusers.

  5. Comey saw an opportunity to make millions off of the Clinton case and took it. Don't buy his book.


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