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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Governor Hogan: Classrooms Should Never Be A Place Of Fear For Our Children


  1. Hey Larry Republicans want safety DEMOCRATS DON'T.

  2. YEA YEA YEA RIGHT if you don't put those POS thugs in prison no one will ever be safe.

  3. But you will allow the residents of Baltimore to live in a corrupt war zone. I defended this guy a long time but I'm done.

  4. Have school officials and law enforcement enforce existing laws regarding student behavior.

    You are just telling them to draw up a new set of guidelines just like the last ones, and here's $50 million!.

    Throw money at it and it won't go away, but you "TOOK ACTION!"

  5. Obviously he never went to Catholic School!
    You were terrified at Catholic School.

  6. The classrooms in wcboe are so out of control you all have no idea

  7. Give the law abiding citizens our 2nd amendment rights back commies. Some of the strictest guns laws in the nation and people still get shot. How big does the sign need to be Hogan?

  8. I'll bet you $100 bucks teachers fear being assaulted by students more then a nut with a gun. Truth sucks liberal Larry.

  9. Well Hogan how about you clean up the abuse in the schools by doing something with the abusive kids

  10. I agree 110% with 7:24 PM. Chances are greater each day that you will get attacked by a thug or punk student than someone some wacko.


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