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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Gov. Rick Scott Signs $400 Million Gun Control Bill: Includes Firearm Confiscation, Waiting Period

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) signed a “$400 million” gun control bill that includes firearms confiscation measures and waiting periods for long gun purchases.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the bill also bans bump stocks–which were not even used in the Florida school shooting–and bucks the NRA by raising the minimum purchase age for long guns from 18 years of age to 21.

Fox News reports that the gun control package also funds bullet-proof glass for schools and will allow some teachers to be armed. The bill was originally designed to allow teachers to be armed on a broader basis but had to be augmented, as Gov. Scott opposes teachers being armed for self-defense.



  1. Gun confiscation?? Good luck with that one. I can only assume their talking about preexisting orders because an attempt at any other form of confiscation will go over like a turd in a punch bowl

  2. And all the anti-American, anti-Constitution, violate your rights for a few votes....jump on the ban wagon, this wagon hopefully wont stop until it gets to Gitmo!

  3. Wonder why they need to spend $400M for these draconian laws? Is that money for the bullet proof glass? I might relocate to FL and get into the bullet proof glass business. But we all know a regular schmuck wouldn’t get any of those contracts. That was negotiated in the back room when this stupid law was crafted.

    First they disarm the public.
    Next they enslave the public.

    Look out

  4. well that bullet proof glass will stop them

  5. Nothing in article addresses gun confiscation. Click bait.

  6. Here we go..let the lawsuits begin.. old enough to die defending our country WITH A GUN but cant buy one?

  7. Shall not be infringed . . .

    Americans are so ignorant of history and government tyranny that they will never awaken until it is far too late.

    The government is the enemy of the people.
    It has always been that way. The Founders told us this in their documents / letters. But we are so under-educated that we have not read them.

    Very sad because the future is completely predictable.

  8. He's a Friggin Traitor!

  9. So what, not like any of you can or would or could do anything about it... You people are to lazy fat and stupid to care about your rights... but you will wish you had when that day comes, even if you think it won't...

    Look at trump, you all think he is god, was goign to fix the problems around here, yet he is doing what politicians do best, lie and do the opposite of what they say...

  10. The NRA announced a suit against Florida on the raising of the age to purchase to 21. Is there any doubt that the only thing the NRA is about is the manufacturers, selling more guns to anyone? It is not about gun education and teaching safety . The NRA wants more blood and more controversy

  11. Yes Plenty Of Doubt 9:19 ..And Your Post Is A Flat Out Lie.

  12. You can still get a CCW in FL but not here.


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