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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

GOP Rep. Gaetz: 'If Jeff Sessions Does Not Appoint a Second Special Counsel, Then We Need a New Attorney General'

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told fill-in host Jeanine Pirro that if Attorney General Jeff Sessions declines to appoint a second special counsel to investigate wrongdoing within his Department of Justice, then he should be removed from that post.

According to Gaetz, an Inspector General’s report would be insufficient given the report doesn’t necessarily mean charges would be brought by the Justice Department against wrongdoers.

“If Jeff Sessions does not appoint a second special counsel, then we need a new Attorney General, judge,” he said. “Because you’re right — even if we learn more horrifying things from the Inspector General, we can’t actually prosecute somebody for those things because we would need somebody to be able to bring that case. And the Department of Justice and FBI obviously won’t be bringing a case against themselves. So, Jeff Sessions needs to get rid of this mindset that is a dereliction of duty, and he needs to do what Congress has called for and appoint a second special counsel to get to the bottom of this.”



  1. Look at Jeff Session's face when he speaks. He's lying all the time. There's no way you can listen to what he has to say and not think there's an underlying plot he's trying to sell.

    Anyone he appoints will be his puppet and will just tell us who else needs to exit the Swamp with him, Mueller and the rest of them.

  2. Remove Sessions,appoint Trey Gowdy

  3. 6:38 unfornately Trey Gowdy is leaving for something else.He will be gone but certainly not forgotton.

  4. Time to get rid of Mr. Magoo!


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