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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Google Launches $300 Million 'News Initiative' to Combat Fake News

Alphabet Inc.'s Google is launching the Google News Initiative, to weed out fake news online and during breaking news situations, it said in a blog post on Tuesday.

Google said it plans to spend $300 million over the next three years to improve the accuracy and quality of news appearing on its platforms.

The changes come as Google, Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. face a backlash over their role during the U.S. presidential election by allowing the spread of false and often malicious information that might have swayed voters toward Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In a separate blog post, Google said it was launching a tool to help subscribe to news publications.



  1. So another liberal run fake news site wants to say whats fake news. Now thats funny.

  2. 100 million a year for FACT CHECKING?

    This is a job you could hire recent grads for. Better yet it should be required of every "journalism" student to participate in this for FREE!!!

  3. We all know how this show will turn out, don't we?
    The only news that they will deem to be fake will be from conservative sources.
    after all, half the crap we read on MSM sources is fake, so where will they set the bar??


  4. Gulag owns youtube which is squeezing videos that demonstrate 2nd Amendment rights.

  5. They’re just going to create more fake news! (To cover their old biased fake news narratives)

  6. The modern day Fahrenheit 451.. But since we gone paperless now. Whats the tempeture that commie libtards combust? We need to turn up the heat on the TRUTH


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