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Thursday, March 01, 2018

FEDEX Stands with NRA

FedEx released a statement Monday explaining that the company will maintain its relationship with the NRA and that it supports the “constitutional right of citizens to own firearms.”

The statement comes as more than a dozen other companies caved under the weight of an anti-NRA campaign launched after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

Action News 5 published the FedEx statement, which said in part:

FedEx is a common carrier under Federal law and therefore does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views.



  1. Awesome..finally a company who walks the walk.. long live freedom and the constitution

  2. It's time to boycott the others. If you don't respect my right to defend my family and property why should I give you my hard earned money.


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