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Monday, March 12, 2018

Fauxcahontas refuses DNA test to prove Native American heritage

Sen. Elizabeth Warren batted down calls for her to take a DNA test to prove her Native American heritage in an interview that aired Sunday.

“I know who I am. And never used it for anything. Never got any benefit from it anywhere,” Warren said of her ancestry on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

The Massachusetts Democrat has been under increased pressure to provide evidence of ​her ​Native American roots, with President Trump repeatedly mocking her as “Pocahontas” as recently as Saturday.

An editorial this month in Massachusetts’ Berkshire Eagle urged Warren to buy a DNA test for $99 to resolve the issue once and for all.

“All the senator needs to do is spit into a tube, wait a few weeks and get her answer,” the paper said.

More here

[Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud]


  1. She has attorneys in it plain and simple.What a loser.

  2. Went to law school on a minority schoolship, got a job at Harvard as a minority and has received several million dollars in campaign endorsements as a minority. She has a net worth of 25 million but has never worked full time. Maybe she should write a book on becoming a multi millionaire off 150k a year and go to Harvard free.

  3. She better be careful. A strand of hair from a hair brush or from her desk is all they need. If it turns out she isn't part Native american than does that mean her mother cheated on her so called native american father?

  4. She claimed she was a minority from the 1980s through mid 90s. Where's your headdress now, liz?

  5. Never used it?! Not from what we've been told.

  6. She's just another lying Democrat,they all lie so she belives her own BS.

  7. Never used it except to get on board the Harvard train.

  8. Shes running scared, knows the truth would come out, just like that white chic who said she was “black”!

  9. It will be THE issue that kills her hopes of becoming the first Indian President.
    Her Harvard records are public knowledge. Ain't no running from it and there ain't no speech about "your story" and "your struggles" that's gonna erase it.
    Trump will eat her alive...


  10. She wasn't under oath on NBC but it was a bald faced lie (pale faced lie?) since she was hired by Harvard because she claimed Native American descent. That's on the record.

    But as a lawyer, and law school professor, she should be familiar with the 'adverse inference' concept embedded in the law. It would cost her nothing to prove her critics wrong and the process is not invasive. Spit a bit of saliva and mail it in.

    Thus the public is entitled to view her refusal as a clear sign (smoke signal) that she doesn't believe the test would uphold her flimsy ancestral claim.

    Voters in Taxachusetts should have reservations about sending her back to DC for another Senate term.

  11. If not native American she should pay all that money to the Native Americans because she used thier heritage to gain personal financing.

  12. Of course she is going to refuse. She is no more Native America then President Trump is. She is a democrat and all of them lie constantly.

  13. Alert >>> She is from Russia !!!


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