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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Ex-FBI Asst. Director Says Upcoming Inspector General Report Is "Pure TNT"

Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said today that a highly anticipated report from the DOJ's Inspector General Michael Horowitz will contain "some pure TNT." Horowitz has been investigating the conduct of the FBI's top brass surrounding the 2016 election for over a year. He also uncovered over 50,000 text messages between two anti-Trump / pro-Clinton FBI employees directly involved in the exoneration of Clinton and the counterintelligence operation launched against the Trump campaign.

Swecker: “The behavior if it’s manifested in the action with your thumb on the scale of a particular investigation, one way or the other, that’s borderline criminal behavior — manipulating an investigation. I think this IG report is going to be particularly impactful, more so than any of these useless congressional investigations. I think you’re going to see some pure TNT come out in this IG report.”



  1. So perhaps thats why Trump
    Fired McCabe in what seemed to be so viciously a way ...because it will come to pass that he deserved it?

    1. He stepped down as director and being paid 235k a year currently waiting for his million dollar pension with medical. How is that cruel?

  2. He's draining the swamp. That is exactly what he said he would do. The career politicians are in full damage control because they know the American are going to catch up with what they have been doing. They have created ways to lie to the people to believe Trump is our enemy. As we start to see the truth, we hopefully will learn to re elect no one.


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