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Saturday, March 03, 2018

DOJ Inaction Faulted In House Hack Case

In March 2017, FBI agents were tailing House of Representatives IT aides suspected of hacking Congress, and apprehended one at the airport trying to make a hasty exit to Pakistan. She refused to speak with them, and a search revealed that she was carrying an apparently illegal amount of cash.

The FBI allowed Hina Alvi, wife of Imran Awan, to board the plane anyway — then filed paperwork saying agents believed she had no intention of returning to the U.S.

For nearly a year since, the case has lingered despite the House Office of Inspector General (OIG) determining that the family of Pakistanis made “unauthorized access” to Congress’s data shortly before the election.



  1. Shultz and Clinton protects them from the DOJ. Sessions is retired on duty. He literally said is goal in 2018 was to crack down on marijuana. Clinton foundation, James Comey, fake Russian story, Fisa court, uranium 1, hacked dnc, clinton getting town hall questions, clinton email scandal, Clinton gun sales to other countries, other email scandal , paid for fake report HOWEVER Jeff is worried about pot?????

  2. This is a bandwagon and everyone is jumping on it.A MSM feeding frenzy is taking place before our eyes,and we don't have the mentality to step off of the train & let it pass without becoming complicit.Sad.


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