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Monday, March 12, 2018

Disgraced Parkland Officer Lied, Radio Dispatch Recording Reveals

As gunman Nikolas Cruz went on a rampage at Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, firing on students and teachers until his semiautomatic AR-15 jammed, Broward Deputy Scot Peterson cowered outside behind the safety of cover, "pointing his gun at nothing."

Peterson publicly stated that he thought gunfire was happening outside on campus, not inside the building - perhaps to justify not going in to stop the shooting which claimed 17 lives.

He lied.

Internal radio dispatches released by the Broward County Sheriff's Office Thursday reveal Peterson immediately focused on Building 12 and radioed that gunfire was happening "inside."

What's more - Peterson warned his fellow officer to stay away - despite wounded students and staff inside who required assistance. Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) policy requires deputies to engage an active shooter and eliminate the threat.

“Do not approach the 12 or 1300 building, stay at least 500 feet away,” shouted a panicked Peterson as people screamed in the background.



  1. That whole thing start to finish was a pitiful mess.I don't think we have ever had such a display of ignorance and incompentence as we saw at that school.A real shame.So many people dead and injured for nothing.

  2. Florida's finest Democratic police officers at work. They want to take mine but are afraid to use there's

  3. He's not only a coward, he's a liar.

  4. He's not one of those heroes everyone thinks that all cops are. No more free coffee for him!!

  5. Probably in his defense when that position was formed it was for Social woker type cops, just like in Wicomico county. These guys usually are not type A cops.

  6. Yup 2:10 Courts and Schools that is where Mikey sends his finest lol. No the real cops are on the road doing real work. The Courts and Schools look for m-f 8-4. That's what you get a bunch of R.O.D.s

  7. He was just doing the "Hillary-Benghazi"
    remember she lied and many died.


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