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Friday, March 30, 2018

Democrats More Okay With Adultery, Envy, and Dishonoring Parents

According to a nationwide poll released Wednesday, Republicans are much more likely than Democrats to honor seven of the Ten Commandments. It may not be surprising that Republicans are more likely to say the first four more religious commandments are important principles to live by, but they are also more likely to uphold fidelity in marriage, obedience to parents, and not being envious of others.

"Regardless of whether you're religious or not, which of the Ten Commandments from the Bible do you believe are still important principles to live by?" the poll, commissioned by Deseret News and conducted by YouGov, asked 1,523 Americans.

Republicans, Democrats, and independents all agreed on the importance of the commandments against stealing (95 percent, 93 percent, and 96 percent, respectively), murder (94 percent, 95 percent, and 95 percent), and bearing false witness (94 percent, 90 percent, and 94 percent). After those three, the consensus fell apart.



  1. Speaking of Democraps I will just leave this here!

    Joe are you going to comment on this? I just saw it on Matt Drew's twitter account. What a bunch of bullcrap. Especially after I have seen numerous bikes left abandoned throughout the area.


    Matt Drew

    Following Following @gmatthewdrew
    More Matt Drew Retweeted Salisbury, MD
    This week, I used .@spincities bike for a one-way trip to retrieve my car from the repair shop ( .@pohanka ). Best dollar spent. This is a transportation game-changer!



    Salisbury, MD

    The first month's numbers are in, and SPIN is a hit! @jacobrday @SalisburyBPAC @gmatthewdrew @BikeSBY1



    Lying Democrats!

  2. Democrats have no morals.

  3. Guess we can say that the Dems have contributed to the economy in one aspect - advent of PORN!

  4. And the Dumbocrats want to make a big deal about President Trump and his friendship with someone in the porn industry. Hipocrits!


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