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Friday, March 30, 2018

Democrat: Voters Are Too Stupid to Fill Out Ballots

The Democratic secretary of state in New Mexico thinks voters are incapable of filling out their ballot without help.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver penned an editorial in the Albuquerque Journal advocating for the return of straight-ticket voting, which would allow voters to check one box, such as Democrat, and vote for every Democrat on the ballot.

"New Mexico had long utilized a ‘straight party' voting option until 2012, when Dianna Duran, the first Republican secretary of state in New Mexico in 80 years, ended the practice behind closed doors with the stroke of her pen," Oliver writes. "There was no discussion, no public input and no transparency. Duran's was a clearly partisan decision—with the full support of her political party—that was part of an overall plan to both undermine trust in our election process and to make it more difficult to vote."

Oliver argues picking the candidates voters want is "long and complicated," and therefore they need to be told who to vote for based on party.

She said having voters choose every candidate they are voting for is "voter suppression."



  1. demcorats voters are stupid. Oh they think they are "educated" but that only proves how stupid they really are. Being the products of the dumbed down public US "education" system which are nothing more then indoctrination and pre detention centers doesn't make you smart.

  2. No, Demon-crats Don't like Paper ballots because they
    can't Hack them & control the vote !!! like electronic ones

    They can't allege Russian Collusion either !!!

    Simple Fix > Go Old school, keep it on paper !!!! Solved !

  3. Joe here is a story for you. I linked to this Daily Rag editorial by their own Democrat Mouthpiece, the one and only Gains Hawkins. After linking to the story on the Daily Rag and going back to the @DowntownSby twitter page it hit me like a ton of bricks. WTH does this editorial/Letter to the editor by the Wicomico County Democrat Club President have to do with Downtown Salisbury? Absolutely NOTHING!! I looked at all the surrounding tweets and it was mostly all about what's going on in Salisbury. Then that one brick hit me. This is nothing but a political attack piece by Jake Day because this is his Twitter account. This is a cheap shot by Jake Day using the City of Salisbury Twitter account to attack a political candidate from the other Party. You should screen capture it just in case Jake Day takes it down. Jake Day, Mike Dunn, Bill McCain, et. al. are all trying to make Bob look bad and shame him and the county council into doing away with the Revenue Cap. Shame on Jake Day for using city resources to attack Republicans, what a loser!


    Downtown Salisbury "Jake Day's other Twitter Page"

    Open for business? Lack of school funding says otherwise: Letter https://www.delmarvanow.com/story/opinion/readers/2018/03/29/open-business-lack-school-funding-says-otherwise-letter/460165002/ … via @MyDelmarvaNow

    "Open for business? Lack of school funding says otherwise: Letter"
    "Wicomico County Democratic Club President Gains Hawkins writes about economic harm caused by chronic underfunding of public education in th..."

  4. The 'dumbing down' of Americans by the democrats again! We are too stupid to do anything for ourselves and need a democratically run government to tell us how to live!

  5. We aren't stupid. We are so tied of the Democrats lies. We vote for them. They slap us in the face. The lie, make promises, talk B. S. possibilities and offer maybe's to no ends. Who wants to keep voting people like this. Lie, Lie and mire Lies. Their pants is beyond on fire. Democrats pants have burnt to crispy ashes. They just lie to much for me just like the president. If they want my vote, they will have to pay me. At 60 plus, I've worked hard all my life and still waiting for at least a slice of the American pie. "F" Democracy. Hell, illegal immigrants have it better than Americans.


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