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Friday, March 30, 2018

Delmarva Power Searching For Person Who Sent Us A Recent Complaint

Good Afternoon Mr. Albero,

It has come to our attention of a complaint published against Delmarva Power that we would like to follow up with. The published date was Wednesday March 28, 2018. If at all possible could you please provide me with any contact information you may have on Nana or the person who posted the complaint? If not, I would appreciate if you could kindly forward my contact information to them. We would like to assist the customers concerns immediately as it is essential for Delmarva Power to respond to the needs of all our customers.


Renee Hambor
Senior Regulatory Assessor
Regulatory/Executive Customer Relations
Atlantic City Electric/Delmarva Power


  1. Oh we want an update after Nana's advocate contacts DLP!
    Total fail on DLP's part.

  2. hopefully dp will make good on her complaint and resolve the issue and the resolution will be reported on this blog

  3. They probably won't do that again after every kook on here starts calling and emailing her.

  4. No matter what people say about your site, tv stations and the newspapers wouldn’t have put this out there. Thanks to you doing it, these folks are getting a positive escalation. Good for Delmarva power acting on it too, pretty quick turn around.

  5. Even though this is a very nice offer, I'm still feeling a sense of a fox in the hen house when it comes to Delmarva Power.....

  6. Ok, they have jumped through the hoop for 'Nana', now what about everyone else dealing with the same issues?

  7. Funny how this happens a lot. A company doesn’t give a rats behind about you for months and then when they are exposed all of a sudden you’re their biggest priority! How about being a stand up multi million dollar making company in the first place.

  8. This request was forwarded to Nana’s POA late last night. The POA emailed this DP staffer this morning. The family is aware of your supportive comments and suggestions. On behalf of Nana.....a big thanks :)

  9. The person who posted the complaint just posted that check is in the mail


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