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Friday, March 09, 2018

Commerce Dept Loan Forgiveness

On July 25, 2013, the Maryland Department of Commerce made a $500,000 Conditional Loan to Wicomico County to help finance a portion of the renovation and upgrade to the airplane hangar space currently occupied by Piedmont at the Wicomico Regional Airport.

The conditions were for forgiveness of 1/5 of the balance of the loan if Piedmont Airlines, Inc. employed at least 150 Permanent Full-time Employees at the facility from December 31, 2013 thru December 31, 2017.

Wicomico County met the Department's goal and the Department forgave $85,289.56 and all allocable accrued interest is null and void.

"Congratulations on the retention of 150+ jobs. We appreciate the contributions and efforts of the County as it continues to strengthen the economy of the State of Maryland", wrote Secretary R. Michael Gill, Maryland Department of Commerce.


  1. I call bs! no way does that operation employee 150 people in wico county. Now does piedmont have more then 150 employees, yes, in wico, NO!
    Just like the loan the state forked over years ago for their engine test cell, where's all those jobs at today? No Landing fees but you got to pay to park. Seem's to me piedmont ought to stop bilking the taxpayer and start funding their own way! total BS!
    and by the way got rid of most their licensed mechs, only keep a few and they sign for the work done by unlicensed gofers, but hey it's a lot cheaper to run ops that way! if you need to actually get where you are going when you want to get there then drive to bwi!
    but lets hear again how we need longer runways for the new jets!

  2. I doubt Piedmont held up their end of the deal. They pay terribly, non livable wages at that. More jobs need to be brought to Salisbury that pays decent enough to live on. Forgiving debts to businesses cost the tax payers, then we get the screws twice.

  3. Sounds like a butt hurt person that couldn't get hired or got fired from there. You have to pay to park at any airport. $18 a day at JFK.


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