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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Commanding officer initially ordered responding deputies to 'stage' not enter Stoneman Douglas, sources say

Fox News has learned that in the critical moments as first responding deputies were searching for an active shooter on the property of Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school, a commanding officer on scene apparently ordered some of the initial responders to “stage” and set up a “perimeter” outside -- instead of immediately ordering or allowing officers to rush in to neutralize the suspect, Nikolas Cruz.

“It’s atrocious,” a law enforcement source who was on the scene after the shooting told Fox News. “If deputies were staging it could have cost lives.”

The law enforcement source said responding deputies and officers were called to an active shooter scene in which they are trained to immediately “go, go, go” toward the direction of the shooter. “Every second is another life,” the source said.

The Broward County Sherrif’s Office policy on active shooters indicates responding deputies may enter the building to preserve life without permission. That remains the priority until various objectives are met such as the shooter being detained. The policy does not appear to list staging -- setting up an area to keep first responders safe before police secure a violent scene -- or a perimeter as an immediate priority.



  1. Arrest All of those POS.

  2. Stage? Grandstanding? This is the stuff Sheriff Lewis does when he thinks a media camera is near!

  3. 1:11 good luck with that, when have you seen any cop go to jail for any illegal stuff??? And you think this is any different???

  4. Face it. These people were totally unprepared and not trained to deal with such events. All law enforcement entities would be well advised not to have the same thing happen to them.

    1. Nearby city of Coral Springs arrived on scene noting deputies holding position. Coral Springs charged in as trained.

  5. Just think if this bunch had been in New York city on 911, they would have watched only.

    Real cops of NY ran into the buildings trying to save lives, too bad we don't have any heroes anymore.

  6. 637
    I simply disagree.
    They did exactly what they were told to do.
    Stage and Hold.
    Allow the killers to do their job and then allow them to escape.
    Next, tackle the doofus kid who has been abused for years down at the local Shamrim, which by the way, is where the video came from for the media.

    A psyop on the American public.
    They MUST disarm American population before the economy can be allowed to collapse.


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