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Thursday, March 22, 2018

CNN: Trump, Kelly furious after leak that Trump was not to congratulate Putin

President Trump and his chief of staff John Kelly are furious that details of the president's national security briefing materials telling him not to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin were leaked to the press, according to a CNN report Wednesday.

Trump was reportedly “fuming” on Tuesday night after The Washington Post reported that Trump’s national security advisers specifically instructed him not to congratulate Putin on his electoral victory. The Post reported that the materials read "DO NOT CONGRATULATE."

Only a small group of staffers would have access to those briefing materials and would have known what his advisers would suggest before the phone call to Putin on Tuesday morning, CNN reported.

The network, citing an unnamed source, reported that the president was asking allies and outside advisers who they thought was responsible for the leak.

The source told CNN that the incident has again given air to Trump's long-held belief that members of his administration are actively working against him.

A White House official told the network that Kelly is furious that a confidential presidential briefing was made public just hours after the president’s phone call with Putin.

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  1. Start arresting .

  2. 2:40 That will never happen...

  3. When Obama did it He was being a statesmen like...LOL


  4. Find the leak and strip security clearance before firing. Then prosecute, convict and jail.

  5. Drain the swamp starting with the traitors at your own table. Every effective leader had them: Jesus had Judas, Caesar had Brutus, Washington had Arnold, etc.

  6. Maybe McCabe wired the room.


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