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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

City with Highest Per Capita Murder Rate Starts Defense Fund for Illegal Aliens

Less than a year after Baltimore prosecutors ordered staff not to charge illegal immigrants with minor, non-violent crimes because it could get the offenders deported, Maryland’s largest city will hire immigration attorneys to help those facing removal. It’s important to note that Baltimore has the nation’s highest per capita homicide rate and has been coined the deadliest big city in the United States by a mainstream newspaper. Nevertheless, a city panel approved spending $200,000 this month to pay for lawyers to represent illegal aliens with deportation orders.

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh says in a local news report that the goal is for everyone to get due process. “We’re not making a decision as to their status, we’re making the decision to be supportive of individuals who live in our city,” according to the mayor.

Unlike the criminal justice system, in immigration court the government doesn’t offer free lawyers to those who can’t afford them. This means that illegal aliens who don’t have the money to pay for one must represent themselves in legal proceedings or rely on volunteer attorneys or paralegals provided by immigrant rights groups.

In response to the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement policies, American sanctuary cities took matters into their own hands by creating local funds to help illegal aliens facing deportation.

Baltimore took it a step further by also creating a policy to go easy on alien criminals in state cases to avert collateral immigration consequences. An internal memo issued by Baltimore’s Chief Deputy State’s Attorney in mid-2017 instructs prosecutors to think twice before charging illegal immigrants with minor, non-violent crimes.

Besides Baltimore, two Maryland counties—Montgomery and Prince George’s—offer illegal immigrants sanctuary.



  1. Think twice before prosecuting for minor, non-violent crimes. Just like for legal citizens?

  2. The left is truly insane.

  3. Democrats are a danger to society.

  4. I think a fence should be erected around Baltimore City and let them have at it.

  5. Maryland is a disgrace,I'm ashamed to admit I live in Maryland.

  6. Why is Hogan allowing tax dollars for this? Where is Baltimore getting the money if it is not tax dollars being used, since Baltimore is broke and City schools are failing along with sanitary conditions which are health concerns? If Hogan, Miller and Busch wants to handout tax dollars then as a senior citizen eliminate me paying taxes and allow me to support myself.

  7. Don't the poor white and black American citizens realize that this is money that could help them???????


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