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Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Trump successfully killing the ‘liberal world order,’ concludes globalist think tank

The New World Order is on its last legs because of President Trump, says the Council on Foreign Relations.

“Liberalism is in retreat. Democracies are feeling the effects of growing populism. Parties of the political extremes have gained ground in Europe,” wrote the globalist think tank’s Charles Haass last week.

“Even the US is experiencing unprecedented attacks from its own president on the country’s media, courts, and law-enforcement institutions.”

In other words, Trump has attacked the corporate propaganda media, the liberal kangaroo courts who defend lawless sanctuary city policies, and the corrupt leadership at the top of the FBI and former President Obama’s DoJ who conspired against Trump and covered for Hillary Clinton.



  1. Dear loard please Bless our President and open the eyes of the blind who fallow the fake. Keep letting the light shine and may all the Good people rise up and lift up the week to save this once righteous nation.

  2. Sure. When the big media starts going out of business, I'll believe the NWO is out.


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