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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Campa-Najjar Running For California House

Democratic candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar is running for Congress in California to unseat scandal-ridden Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter.

A San Diego native, Campa-Najjar says he wants to serve the community that helped raise him, serve his family and friends, and provide the 50th District of California a leader who is not embattled in scandal, a reference to incumbent Hunter.

Campa-Najjar supports a number of policies backed by the growing hard-left faction of the Democratic Party. He is a staunch supporter of a universal health care system, like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-Allproposal. Like Sanders, an Independent, Campa-Najjar has no solution for how to pay for a universal health care system, but still thinks it is the system of the future.

The Democratic hopeful is also up for stricter gun laws and is adamantly against the construction of a border wall along the southern U.S.-Mexico border.


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