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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Californians in mass exodus to lower cost states to escape high tax

A growing number of Californians are leaving the state to go to lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada, figures show.

They are doing so to escape the state's housing crunch and high taxes, Census Bureau data shows.

The figures show that California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017 - with even better off middle class residents making the move.



  1. Great now they can spread their dumb liberal policy out of California. The people who voted for the ideas that raised the taxes too high should have to stay in California. Why should they be able to escape their ideas?

    1. Exactly! Just like they did in Colorado.

  2. 138k left Cali, how many undocunundoc took their place? Now if only those leaving the state leave the mindset that got Cali in trouble to begin with behind.

    Like Wilcow says, if you bring there, here. Eventually here is there!

  3. The idiots will go to these states vote Democrat and ruin another state and be right back where they started.

  4. Rephrase that. WORKING Californians in mass exodus. The smoozes have no intention of going anywhere.

  5. Several mid western states are already suffering from the influx of those who left Calimexico.

  6. Don't worry eastern shore, your abysmal economy and inherent racism is as far away as possible from these free thinking weirdos!

  7. Stay on the other side of the Mississippi, I don't care. Just like when we say, stay on the other side of the Bay Bridge, we don't care!

    Stray and we'll take care of you, ask politely and we'll say NO!


    1 DAY UNTIL TGIF and boy do WE need it after this week of poo!!!!!!

    1. I thought the Eastern Shore would be a beautiful place to retire and settle in from across the bridge however it wasn't so we left. Hope you are happy that you can have it all.

  8. That is ok there is plenty of us that know better. We will vote for Trump and once again put them in their place. Maybe they should move way down south then try to come back when they know the grass is not always greener. Good luck with that babies. (map)

    1. Too bad MD votes went to blue genius

  9. My family built a house in 1911 in San Francisco and it still stands today. They figured that it cost them about $1200 to build the three bedroom, two story frame house. It's on the market today for $960,000. The annual taxes on it are north of $10,000.

    1. Wow that's like a double wide a year

  10. Kind of like the wealthy are fleeing Wicomico County and the state of Maryland due to high taxes.

  11. MD will have a democrat governor next election. Guaranteed. Fact!

    1. With the help of Carl Anderton.

  12. I have to agreed with 2:41, if the Republican's can't come up with someone different than Hogan, a Democrat will be the next governor.
    He started out good, but in recent years has become weak on the things Marylander's care about, like jobs, taxes, and over regulation that is killing this state. Those with means, are leaving this state to better opportunities in states like North Carolina, and Florida.

    1. We moved to Florida. Taxes too high in MD Salisbury.

  13. 3:33 Why? Look at the history of MD governors. It is easy - google it.

  14. Oh, hell no. You jerks made your beds now lay in them. You ruined STATE deal with it. We don't want you moving to ours and screw it up too. Besides, it wasn't that long ago you wanted to secede. So do it. I would love for you to be out of my country. We have enough problems without you giving us more, like you already have with sanctuary cities, warning illegals about raids, giving them driver licenses, putting an illegal immigrant in a state political position. NO. We don't want that crap here, or you.

  15. Marylanders moving to Florida. Say goodbye to red Florida.

  16. March 22, 2018 at 1:00 PM

    The same thing is happening in Southern states. All the people form NY are tired of the high taxes so they are moving to NC and FLA. That is why you see those states starting to turn blue. They voted for these people then cut and run when they have had enough, but continue to vote for the same type dumb@sses they did before that raised their taxes.


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