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Monday, March 19, 2018

Brennan, Holder, Comey Rage After McCabe Fired; Veiled Threats And Temper Tantrums Fly

Following the 11th hour firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on the recommendation of the DOJ's Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, and the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), for lying under oath and leaking to the press, former Obama administration officials have thrown a temper tantrum.



  1. He was resigning to retire. However I see the deep state is very real.

  2. good lord,quit defending.

  3. And all of these temper tantrums are about Andy getting fired and might lose his pension. They say nothing about WHY he got fired or WHO actually fired him. Or that his own agency recommended firing him. I guess in their minds if you don't mention any facts and ignore the other ones, facts won't get in your way. lol.

    1. He is getting his pension just NOT WHAT we tax payers contributed to.

    2. Holder rice I want LOCKED UP.


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