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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

BREAKING : Shocking Footage The MSM Wont Touch & 2500 Subs In 10 Days

Starts around 2:30


  1. Tommy Robinson is awesome.

  2. They don't seem to be getting any smarter over there. Os course we have politicians here that want to do the same crap to our country. Democrats!

  3. Now Europe is getting a taste of the crap when have to put with, especially in the inner cities. Allow third world garbage, this is what you get.
    I'll bet they now understand what we have had to put up with for years. We are not one people and some races and cultures are not compatible with western society.

  4. These Muslims are evil at best. I have seen these reports for years now...certainly NOT on America's MSM. NO one will report this. Sweden is collapsing as we speak. France, England, Germany, Greece and so many more. Finally these Europeans are Waking Up and doing what they can to get this info out. Pray as our World is in very bad shape. America was on it's way to becoming just like them. We were and still are in distress. Thank God President Trump became our president. The Elitist, DEMS, RINO's, PEDOPHILES, Marxists, Communists, Muslims, CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, Valerie Jarrett, Obama, Clinton's, Podesta Brothers, the Deep State and Shadow Government; ALL working together to take America down. Had Clinton won (which they expected) we would now be part of the NEW World Order...Continue to pray daily for our President's protection as they want him dead. period

  5. Thank you. Well said 6:26.

  6. But ....they will be DIFFERENT if we let them come here.

    What dumb ace AMERICAN thinks they want to ASSIMILATE here? They sure as heck aren't assimilating anywhere over there and that cannot be denied. They are trying to create mini-Islamic territories with their own laws --- WITHIN THE COUNTRY they moved to....
    Seriously, who thinks they'll behave differently? Google muslims in Michigan.
    Better face reality before it cuts your throat.


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