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Sunday, March 18, 2018


Because the City of Salisbury is spending money faster then they're bringing it in, the City owes, (at a minimum) $354,673.97 in past due bills and Mayor Jake Day has refused to pay what is clearly owed to the County. So much so that the County had no choice but to stand up for County Taxpayers and start the process to collect these outstanding funds.

Trust me, this is just the beginning. The County spends almost $125,000.00 alone in just parking to the City for their employees and there's absolutely no reason the City continues to ignore these past due expenses. The County, (in good faith) agreed to the nuclear option fire department expenses and it's about time the County put their foot down. 

In another article later today I will also expose just how much money the City is blowing, something the rest of the media is ignoring because of outside Good Ol' Boy pressure. Can you say Greater Salisbury? More to come. 


  1. FINALLY!! Jake Day psy your bilks before you go spending MORE money that you don't have. What about the other lawsuit from the Wilmington Delaware contractor for work downtown?? Salisbury's credit rating is about to hit the floor. Get ready Baltimore were about to challenge you for your top spot as worst city in Maryland

  2. What excuse can Jake day come up with now?? FYI Bob Culver you just win yourself a reelection bid. Great job

  3. It's about time! Thank you! While they are at it, the County citizens don't want our tax dollars going to support the Folk Festival!!!!!!

  4. Wake up people!! Its time to make Jake day address all his bullshit and empty promises he can't produce. Here's the proof about trying to get his hands on the county coffer's as well. He's run through Salisbury's funds now he wants to bankrupt the county. Its time to get him out of the mayors office and salvage what you can.

  5. Bring it on Joe these idiots need to be dragged out and stoned for what they've done.

  6. Jack heath save yourself the embarrassment. You have NO chance at county executive. We all see through the likes of yourself, Jake day, mike dunn, McCain etc. As far as gilliss and this jackass eccelston you boys better start regrouping. I have a feeling your cash cow "Salisbury city government" is about to dry up. One could only hope that Jake has done so much unethical bullshit the state steps. LMAO byebye folk festival, Mr&Mrs O'Hare, glantz and her two assistants and yes hood old Tom Stevenson

  7. Randy Day!! Boy I can't wait to hear the repercussions of perdue farms CEO son Jake Day has bankrupt the city of Salisbury MD. That going to look REAL good in national news headlines

  8. Make Salisbury pay their bills. They cannot use County tax dollars to support the City. That is exactly what Baltimore is doing to State tax payers. Hopefully The lawsuit will include interest on the entire amount.

    1. Lol exactly what Baltimore is doing? As the economic engine of the state? If you don’t have Baltimore as part of your state, the Eastern Shore dies, kiddo.

    2. 1:49- 100% incorrect, little guy. The eastern shore does just fine w/o Baltimore. Especially Worcester County.

  9. how much has been wasted so far on the Folk Festival? Also, I notice Jake Day had time to waste on the WSCL beg a thon yesterday. Liberals helping liberals. Liberal Jake helping liberal NPR to bring in the liberal Folk Festival. and still no new jobs. Maybe the folks let go from Toys R Us can go work at WSCL.

  10. I have a feeling this is just the beginning if Salisbury's legal problems. Can't wait to see Jakes selfies of his having to frequent court proceedings. How embarrassing to be called out on such a visible level as being the mayor of a city and getting sued for non payment of debts. This might not reflect well on your military résumé as well. Not very good leadership qualities there jakey boy!!

  11. Its about time!!! Bob Culver has my vote again!

  12. This is awesome news!! With the county suing the city of Salisbury for unpaid debt there's NO WAY wicomico county will provide assistance in putting on this folk festival. And guess what Jake day you can't make this festival happen without wicomico counties help. I hope the festival committee sees thus and tells Salisbury thanks but no thanks

  13. Who can I make the check out to?

  14. Who is City Attorney?

  15. People your mayor suffers from some pretty serious mental health problems. How does one continue to go on day to day acting like none of these financial/legal issues exist? How does a man go full throttle spending more of city government funds that don't exist? How does a man commit a city to debt and functions that he knows he doesn't have the resources to fulfill?? His only means of making it happen is to BEG people for money and hope he can MANIPULATE government to get his hands on county funds. Bob Culver/Joe Holloway cut his head off

  16. A child playing with your wallet.

  17. Thank you Joe for providing real news to your readers. Haven't heard about it yet from any of the other local no-news sources.

  18. Its time to put impeachment on Jakes Day, get him the hell out, and put Joe Albero in there to get things right! IT WAS YOUR ELECTION TO LOSE

  19. His own Salisbury residents, also County taxpayers will benefit from this suit. How was this able to continue? Let the City find their own quarters. How about an eviction for failure to pay.

  20. Trust me, this is just the beginning. The County spends almost $125,000.00 alone in just parking to the City for their employees and there's absolutely no reason the City continues to ignore these past due expenses.


    One thing you failed to mention is that the County, Wicomico County, OWNS that parking lot so WTF is the County taxpayers paying to park in their own parking spaces?????

    Sounds to me that the City needs to pay Wicomico County for parking in the COUNTY OWNED Parking lot!!

    1. 10:32- Why do you act as if your comments are your own? Your comments are ripped, word for word, from Joe's posts. You do it alot, MR Question Mark Guy. We already know all this because Joe just wrote about it above. Get a clue!

  21. County is going to need the money to fund the Expanding BOE budget.

  22. someone should make sure the National Folk Festival people know that the county is suing the city. maybe they would realize they need to get out of the deal while they can.

    1. Have you ever heard, "if it is to be it is up to me" So if the suggestion you have made is that important to you, you need to quickly reach out to the National Folk Festival people to let them know that Wicomico county is suing the city of Salisbury.

  23. So, for those of us keeping score at home, that's at least 2 major lawsuits currently pending... right? Yet, we keep spending money on dumb projects!! Spending tax payer money for city workers (oh, I'm sorry... "field operations") to put up the huge Christmas tree at the park, designing new logos, hiring his childish and incompetent drinking buddies for high paying city jobs (yeah, I'm looking at you Pulcher and Kitzrow!), the dumb orange bikes (WTF?!?), the national folk festival (where we are the only ones getting "folked"), and demolishing run down buildings on private property in the ghetto so that the landowners can make an easier profit. When will it end???? And what is the latest project the joke mayor's buddies at Delmarva Veteran Builders are working on by the river on Rt 13? My guess would be that's got something to do with this god-awful festival! Can't wait til the city fails to meet its contractual obligations for that and the festival folks join the list of people suing the town! Meanwhile..... MAIN street is still an unfinished wreck! But, hey, there's always 3rd Friday beer pong!! Woo hoo! Honestly, I believe Jake Day is hard set on burying the "'bury."

    1. What river by Route 13? Do you mean Route 50?

    2. The water between LaQuinta and Avery Hall Insurance.

  24. I'd really like to punch Jake Day in the face.

  25. All ties need to be cut . Including that stupid fire service agreement . Don't allow the city to assist in county operations .

  26. Thank you Bob Culver and the county for finally taking a stand I wish all the others that Jake has stepped on will bring about their cases right now including the Baltimore construction group that did work and didn't get paid. The festival plans should be stopped right now until debts are paid off by the Boy Wonder. And you have the new feature going up along the river so even more people will fall into the water and drown, due to his removal of a fence there. Impeach him now would be the best solution.

  27. Joe, how many lawsuits are on the city now?

  28. I can hear Mike Dunn's voice like it was yesterday;

    'We're this close, oh so close, to closing the deal on the Old Mall site with the approval of this TIF (taxpayer incremental financing).'

    Well look what really happened - they to went belly-up and the County ended up helping to bail out the old mall site owner by purchasing 5 acres for what is now the Civic Center parking lot.

    It's like Salisbury officials take three or four steps backward for every one step forward, almost always bungling things up creating an even worse economic situation. And it's habitual!!!

  29. And I wonder how much the County is paying for the City for the parking garage?

    1. I heard the county pays for the HealthaDepartment parking. Over $50,000/year! Maybe they should put an end to that!

  30. Here it is around 2:30 am and the Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department, Station 6 has been re-alerted numerous times to Ocean Gateway and Hobbs Road for a petroleum spill. Finally, just before the paid fire crew in Salisbury is alerted to take this call, someone from Parsonsburg answers up and says they have a crew and can handle the call. When they finally get out there are only 2 people responding. It is 616 which is a volunteer chief and 1 other volunteer responding in Rescue Engine 601. Two people staffing a large fire truck doesn't even meet the national standards. The Volunteers in this county are having more and more difficulty getting the equipment out, but yet they are telling the County Executive that they don't want or need the volunteers from Station 13 to run mutual aid with them. Eric Tyler is going around trying to work things out with Pittsville, Powellville, Fruitland and Willards to get them to say no to the Station 13 volunteers as well. Why would you deny free labor from volunteer firefighters? This is the reason the County Executive needs to find his balls and create a Countywide Fire Department that answers to the Executive instead of a bunch of whiney volunteer fire chiefs. Get some balls Bob Culver and tell Eric Tyler he doesn't have a choice. Eric Tyler became the volunteer fire chief in Parsonsburg when their previous chief passed away. Eric Tyler is also a paid fireman in Anne Arundel County where he is in the union and playing along with the unions demands. Salisbury's union has been in touch with the fire union in Anne Arundel County to put pressure on Eric Tyler and also Cory Polidore who is also a paid fireman in Anne Arundel County and the Chief of Station 13. Eric Tyler needs to get some balls and stand up to the Firefighters Union in Anne Arundel County. He also needs to quit being territorial and welcome mutual aid from the volunteers of Station 13. Bob Culver find some balls and quit being pushed around by Jake Day and the paid firemen of the Salisbury Fire Department. Bob Culver, you are the elected County Executive, get some balls and tell the volunteer fire chiefs that you make the rules not them. If they don't agree then cut off their funding.

    1. There is no pressure being applied to eric Tyler from the union in as county. He’s dong what’s right for his people and the residents he serves as fire chief. There’s no pressure being put on Polidore he is clearly making his own hell in that situation so let’s clarify that first.

  31. 8:15... The part of the river that the SUP fools paddle around in, where Jake Day spent millions on the dumb river walk, that flows under Route 13 and eventually to the city park.

  32. Wicomico river had the highest levels of fecal bacteria Eve recorded last year and this moron Jake day promotes a business for people to get in it and swom/paddle board? Where did you guys find this douche bag

  33. 3:09 you are absolutely correct, Station 13 is definitely needed, more re alerts between the stations who don't want them than ever before. One man on an engine is not a crew. This station would be an asset to this county. But you can't convince the county council that. Like ostriches they bury their head in the sand and think it's going to all work out. At the beginning of this fiasco they didn't know squat about the county fire service or how it operated, now they are experts after listening to A few stations who are failing to deliver in a timely manner. This county gives the fire service chump change, they need to look at Sussex county Delaware. This county gets away cheap with the amount they allocate the fire service. Bob Culver and John Cannon need to have a come to Jesus meeting and get the volunteers at station 13 running, they have built a station from nothing without county funding how many other stations can say that. The county fire chiefs association supported them, they are recognized and a member of the Maryland Firefighters Assn. they have passed their inspections, they generate income, they have jumped every hurdle thrown at them and you turn your backs on them after promising them you would support them if they got it together. Bob Culver told the county Chiefs assn they were in the budget last year, then he pulled them out. Wth ? Well they are ready now it's your turn to man up and do what you all said you would do. Stop putting votes ahead of public safety for once and do what you said.

  34. BoB

  35. You better make sure this Meets President John Cannon's approval. He has some support on the Council.

  36. Jake Day supposedly lives in Salisbury and doesn't even own his own home. That's because he hasn't had a real job and he is unemployable.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Lol exactly what Baltimore is doing? As the economic engine of the state? If you don’t have Baltimore as part of your state, the Eastern Shore dies, kiddo.

    March 15, 2018 at 1:49 PM

    Hey Dumbass, if it wasn't for RINO Hogan dumping tax dollars into Baltimore City they would be filing bankruptcy by now. If it wasn't for RINO Hogan dumping tax dollars into Baltimore City schools they would be filing Bankruptcy by now. If it wasn't for RINO Governor Hogan bringing state police and other resources into Baltimore City during the riots the city would have burnt to the ground.

    Now who is the kiddo you Douche Bag!

  38. Anonymous said...
    All ties need to be cut . Including that stupid fire service agreement . Don't allow the city to assist in county operations .

    March 15, 2018 at 12:57 PM

    I agree, but Bob Culver needs to get some balls and start a Countywide Fire and EMS.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So, for those of us keeping score at home, that's at least 2 major lawsuits currently pending... right? Yet, we keep spending money on dumb projects!! Spending tax payer money for city workers (oh, I'm sorry... "field operations") to put up the huge Christmas tree at the park, designing new logos, hiring his childish and incompetent drinking buddies for high paying city jobs (yeah, I'm looking at you Pulcher and Kitzrow!), the dumb orange bikes (WTF?!?), the national folk festival (where we are the only ones getting "folked"), and demolishing run down buildings on private property in the ghetto so that the landowners can make an easier profit. When will it end???? And what is the latest project the joke mayor's buddies at Delmarva Veteran Builders are working on by the river on Rt 13? My guess would be that's got something to do with this god-awful festival! Can't wait til the city fails to meet its contractual obligations for that and the festival folks join the list of people suing the town! Meanwhile..... MAIN street is still an unfinished wreck! But, hey, there's always 3rd Friday beer pong!! Woo hoo! Honestly, I believe Jake Day is hard set on burying the "'bury."

    March 15, 2018 at 11:47 AM

    Oh, I'm keeping score. The sooner Jake Day is taken out, the better we all in Salisbury and Wicomico County will be.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Thank you Bob Culver and the county for finally taking a stand I wish all the others that Jake has stepped on will bring about their cases right now including the Baltimore construction group that did work and didn't get paid. The festival plans should be stopped right now until debts are paid off by the Boy Wonder. And you have the new feature going up along the river so even more people will fall into the water and drown, due to his removal of a fence there. Impeach him now would be the best solution.

    March 15, 2018 at 1:39 PM

    I don't care if all debts are paid off, WE don't want no damn Folk Festival or Marathon in our County.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wicomico river had the highest levels of fecal bacteria Eve recorded last year and this moron Jake day promotes a business for people to get in it and swom/paddle board? Where did you guys find this douche bag

    March 16, 2018 at 2:27 PM

    I remember that so-called paddle board business. Are they still in business.

    First of all who the Hell wants to have that e-coli water touch their body. Who really thinks paddle boarding is a good idea? Not likely. It's just a short time fad. I would much rather canoe in where I can sit down comfortably.

  42. Anonymous said...
    10:32- Why do you act as if your comments are your own? Your comments are ripped, word for word, from Joe's posts. You do it alot, MR Question Mark Guy. We already know all this because Joe just wrote about it above. Get a clue!

    March 16, 2018 at 8:12 AM

    ZIIINNNNNGGGGG! Gotem! Has to be Jake Day or one of his little minions(Julia, Andy or Allison) at the GOB that just got to work Friday morning and reading the Blogs for Damage Control!

    Signed: MR Question Mark Guy

  43. Anonymous said...
    3:09 you are absolutely correct, Station 13 is definitely needed, more re alerts between the stations who don't want them than ever before. One man on an engine is not a crew. This station would be an asset to this county. But you can't convince the county council that. Like ostriches they bury their head in the sand and think it's going to all work out. At the beginning of this fiasco they didn't know squat about the county fire service or how it operated, now they are experts after listening to A few stations who are failing to deliver in a timely manner. This county gives the fire service chump change, they need to look at Sussex county Delaware. This county gets away cheap with the amount they allocate the fire service. Bob Culver and John Cannon need to have a come to Jesus meeting and get the volunteers at station 13 running, they have built a station from nothing without county funding how many other stations can say that. The county fire chiefs association supported them, they are recognized and a member of the Maryland Firefighters Assn. they have passed their inspections, they generate income, they have jumped every hurdle thrown at them and you turn your backs on them after promising them you would support them if they got it together. Bob Culver told the county Chiefs assn they were in the budget last year, then he pulled them out. Wth ? Well they are ready now it's your turn to man up and do what you all said you would do. Stop putting votes ahead of public safety for once and do what you said.

    March 16, 2018 at 4:51 PM

    You might have to wait until after the election to get any results. Just hang in their for now. As a citizen and taxpaying resident of Nutters, I have supported you all along. If it wasn't for that chief in the white shirt a guy that lives here named Johnson and the former fire chief Brezler you would have gotten nearly 100% support from us. If you were up and running legally I would call the 911 center on their business line and ask for the original Station #1 volunteers.

  44. And this is why I moved to Worcester county. Heard the mayor was asking why there is such an exodus.

  45. Funny how every time a story comes up regarding the City and County a lengthy comment appears about the Station 13 volunteers. The Imagination Station that nobody feels the need to support. Most people with half a brain would have realized Culver had played them when he didn't even include them in his budget last year. The same old tired story that "We'll be up and running in two weeks" has failed to materialize. Mutual aid ! With who ? There is no cry for your services. Chief Tyler is smart enough to know how he pays the bills. Mr. Polidore has not and will soon be stripped of his IAFF affiliation and could find himself as Dog catcher if the county feels he needed there. Mr. Doric and Son are still trying to figure out how to make up for 2.1 million in lost revenue. Don't worry about Mayor Day. Better worry about repaying the $ 450,000 you'll have to pay back and how big a mistake you made. Face it. The pencil neck know it all led you down the wrong path.

    1. This is good stuff here. Colgrove is to stupid to get anybody thrown out of anything . Polidore doesn't even read the blogs so your comments are a waste about him . That station won't ever have to pay that 450,000 back you guys are stupid. If I was a employer and locked you out that's means in better words your fired . As far as Tyler well if them guys and girls girls go cry to the insurance board then the surrounding stations could get a upset and have to use them . Do some research on case searches where this issue has happen and other companys got sued by home owners . If you think that 13 group will just sit back you all are stupid they will get you nailed . I would have to agree the most struggling stations are the ones refusing the help . Eric Tyler has ran 6 to the ground and he has no balls but hey he got elected into the position . I'm amazed how he did when all his members just stab him in the back to others . Vance should be chief . Justin Shockley the deputy chief hmmm he cant even conduct a accident call . Fruitland the most re alerted station in wicomico county that has a captain that can't drive and has made news for prostitution. I left Salisbury 4 years ago cause of that pos fire chief and it don't seem to be doing so hot right now. Dose station 2 even meet requirements to be recognized by Maryland state prob not . Rick hoppes has made history . Oh and David black made in charge of both stations what a joke . That man violates sops and runs over somebody. SFD remains crooked.

    2. Look the same ole broken record is back. How’s Sta 2 membership looking paid guy? Parsonsburg hahaha still realerting so I guess Eric Tyler is failing at his position by numbers more than the sta 1 volunteers ever were (that’s If you go by the made up equation and stats that the chief did). Come on sta 3 can’t get out of you paid them....wait, they are being paid by the county tax payers and failing every call now. Now, for Chief Polidore, believe it can be considered harassment and hostile working environment on Salisbury IAFF at this point but, that’s what real brotherhood in a Union is about. Maybe it is time for him to file on them in the REAL courts. Mr. Doric and Son, never lost 2.1 million in lost revenue. They would like to know where this number came from since it is furthest from the truth. Furthermore, they are going to be just fine don’t worry about them. No payback for the mayor sorry, someone needs to do some case law research on what it means to be a 501c Corp. and how city government doesn’t own them and what they purchase. Thank you for your concerns now, let the real grown ups talk.

  46. March 22, 2018 Decision Day. $ 3000 a month lease with SVN. March 23, 2018 2400 hrs kicks in 5 year lease at $ 3000 plus utilities and maintenance cost. Call it $ 4000. Just add that to the cost. Bingo with 30 patrons and burned chicken BBQ that you lose money on every week. With no real financial income the numbers don't add up. I don't know what flavor Kool Aid our drinking, but your punch drunk believing your fake FD is going anywhere. I work around you Chief and he is the most hated member in the department. He's doing a great job of guarding a desk at the training academy on day work.

    1. Of course must be a paid bum. Your numbers are all wrong again little hoppes .

    2. Please they make that rent in 1 night of bingo so what is the money going towards then.

  47. Anon 10:45 & 11:43
    Eric. Calm down son before you have another Heart A Stroke like the one you had the day Holloways cut ties with you. Turning all red about to bust a vein with Paid Man Syndrome on the brain.The numbers are now common knowledge that cant be disputed. That silver spoon in your mouth is blocking your view of reality.

    1. Nope, not him. Good try though. I’ll be sure to add some good numbers of the current volunteers soon for all to see. Hoppes says he is not running volunteers off but, sta 2 and 16 realerts don’t lie. How about the membership at sta 2? 5 riding members strong.


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