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Sunday, March 25, 2018


Case Information
Court System:District Court For Wicomico County - Traffic System
Citation Number:0880ANQ
Case Title:State of Maryland vs. JULIE DILWORTH BREWINGTON
Case Type:Citation - Traffic
Filing Date:03/21/2018
Violation Date:03/20/2018Violation Time:08:26:00 PM
Violation County:Wicomico County
Agency Name:
Officer ID:Officer Name:
Case Status:Open

Other Reference Numbers
Same Incident :0840ANQ
Same Incident :0850ANQ
Same Incident :0860ANQ
Same Incident :0870ANQ

Defendant Information
City:SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21804-0000

Involved Parties Information
Name:State of Maryland

Officer - Arresting/Complainant
City:SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801

Charge and Disposition Information
Charge No:1Statute Code:TA.21.902.B1.i
Speed Limit:0Recorded Speed:0Location Stopped:JERSEY RD. @ ADKINS RD. WICOMICO COUNTY MARYLAND
Probable Cause Indicator:NoContributed to Accident:NoPersonal Injury:0
Property Damage:No
Mandatory Court Appearance:YesFine Amount Owed:$0.00
Vehicle Tag:2CZ7008State:MDVehicle Description:02 FORD
Convicted Speed:Contributed to Accident:Personal Injury:
Plea:Plea Date:
Disposition:Disposition Date:

Document Information
File Date:03/21/2018Close Date:
Filed By:
Document Name:Document Issued

There are multiple charges as Julie wrecked her vehicle while talking on the phone. Go to Maryland Case Search to see all the charges.

Originally posted at 8:28am


  1. anyone shocked?...

  2. 8:46, Absolutely not. This has been years in the making and I am a witness to that fact.

    1. Sounds as if you are a stalker.

  3. I'm shocked because I thought she was taller than 5'1". Other than that I'm not surprised at all.

  4. Well, I haven't seen anyone doing all this complaining, sign up to run for office. You just sit there and ridicule others rather than get involved and solve the problems.
    So, you get what you ask for.
    No one has any reason to ridicule this person. She can do the same for you all sitting and hiding behind your computers.

    1. Hypocrite much?? Plus didn’t she just post about reaching out to those with addictions? I’m sure you can? Also posting about sadness in how children can’t stay safe anymore. Well, neither can adults or children in vehicles with people drinking. Pot...meet kettle.

    2. When you run for public office, you put yourself under public scrutiny.

  5. 8:58, LMAO, I did. I've owned multiple bars and not one DUI. Have you ever heard of UBER, TAXI or Designated Driver? Julie has been playing with fire for many years. I'll add, I've been the victim of what Julie is capable of and each time her case was immediately thrown out of court. What goes around, comes around. Now who's going to start the $15,000.00 Go Fund Me DUI Attorney Account?

  6. There's TWO DUI's listed. She must have been twice as drunk as usual, lol! Our lovely little Demublican politician wanna be fell flat on her face. Drunktard.

  7. She is the poster child for the list of "idiots" that are public figures in this community. She has always been a train wreck, and I can't believe any rational person would ever accept or endorse her for anything. She is always looking for her "15 minutes" of fame. She gives dumb blondes a bad name.

  8. Mr. Joe Albero, so whats our choice for the At-Large Seats... John Cannon or the other 2 democrats??? Things are not looking good for the GOP even at the local level.

  9. 9:38, Amen to that statement. Look, don't think for a second that the local Liberals haven't pre planned these upcoming elections. We have some people already in office that claim to be Republicans but we all know are RINO's. They carefully placed Mike Dunn in with the Greater Salisbury Committee, NOT a political organization, something Jan Weisman desperately fought against and was removed. Now you have Jake Day trying to fight the County Executive by endorsing Jack Heath. It's ALL about screwing ALL Wicomico County Residents with the City's Good Ol' Boy's agenda. I will sit back and watch this stupidity while the rest of your local media falls in line with Day's agenda. Don't think for a second Wicomico County isn't in deep trouble because you are!

  10. Here's a thought. Julie needs to put herself in rehab as in today. She needs to pledge that she will not take another drink for as long as she is and elected official once she gets through rehab. Anyone can make a mistake. It's what you do after you make that mistake that makes a person. I'm not saying she had any chance in the first place but I would encourage she get her life in order for once. As I had stated some time ago, Julie called me asking for forgiveness a couple years ago because she was clearly going through a 12 step program. While I absolutely refused her apology, (and now you know why) I was confident she wasn't going to follow through with it on her end. Should she get elected and is caught drinking again, she needs to put in an instant resignation. Let's see where she goes from here. My guess, directly to the next bar and hopefully never OC Billiards @ Trader Lee's.

  11. Couldn't have happened to a nicer gal :)

  12. She will be fine, just like Davis. Swept under the rug

    1. She did not take the breathalyzer so I am sure she will get a good lawyer and get out of it and deny it was booze.

    2. Davis lost the election and was forced out of state to find a job.

    3. 10:37 and what was the verdict in his case? I’ll wait.......

  13. I can not say I am surprised the odds were against her taking chances as much as she has with drinking and driving. She should check herself in to rehab no shame in it but she should also withdrawal from Central Committee and County Council Election. With her recent behavior and throwing her weight around as the righteous one she needs a time out.

  14. I am not shocked. It was always obviously she is an alcoholic. Those video she makes and the pics she posts of herself are pathetic and if she weren't a drunk she would be ashamed. Only a pure drunk would think they look good.

  15. Sounds like there was an accident.

  16. Julie needs serious help. Julie Brewery needs intervention she will not do this on her own.

  17. Perhaps she can request a room with John Phoebus. Oh, that's right, his case was Nolle Pros....

  18. my goodness i hope she uses that Batman Joker Why So Serious mugshot for campaigning in the future. She should be so proud smiling like that! We need the beer goggles here

  19. Way too old to be acting like a 20-something.

  20. Sad to see but I think the whole dilworth family has gone batshit crazy.

  21. I've heard there is a big effort in downtown to elect Jack Heath, recruiting and wooing of voters already underway. Several people I know who voted for Culver are switching to Heath. Culver better get his campaign in gear. He's going to need the outlying areas to vote big as the downtown crowd will mobilize and bus in the minority population.

  22. Here's a thought, mind your own business.

    1. Hope you don’t watch the news or buy newspapers. Same thing. Mind your own business if you did.

  23. I wonder if she drives like this with her kids in the car.

  24. Lots of Hypocrites on here.

  25. John Phoebus...Charges abated...Public service.
    Eric Emely ...Charges abated...Public service.
    Mike Philips ..Charges Dropped..Stet docket.
    Brewington??? Will politics save her as the above???
    Now is the time to really consider why you're voting for any candidate.
    Corruption is not only at the FBI or other agencies in D.C. It is right here in Wicomico and the Devil you know is better than...well
    realize just how important your vote is.

  26. This is tough. I do not like her as person, at least from what I have seen of her public behavior. I do not know her personally. I have seen some very mean-spirited and self-righteous behavior, and yes, it's been clear for a long time that she is a heavy drinker. At the same time, I would not wish the disease of alcoholism on anyone. I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs. She should withdraw her candidacy and focus on her health.

  27. I don't feel bad for her, but I do feel very bad for her daughters. They are smart, kind, very talented young women who clearly have been growing up in a tough environment.

  28. She will get a fine and probation is all.

  29. look, we all make mistakes. We just havent been caught. Love Julie or hate her. I will say this she will be the first person to stand up and fight for your rights. Its sad and i feel sorry for her but she must be responsible for her own actions. At the end of the day if she does not drop out and if i was her i would not and i would let the voters have the last say in the voters box. It comes down to what do you prefer. The slumlord or Julie. Julie will fight for your rights. You may not always agree with her but you know who she is and what she stands for. Good luck Julie and do the right thing. Own up and fess up and if you need help then please seek it.

  30. 5:03
    I think the point was the law didn't publish him but the general public did. Let's hope they do the same for Julie.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She did not take the breathalyzer so I am sure she will get a good lawyer and get out of it and deny it was booze.

    March 21, 2018 at 10:35 AM

    That doesn't matter. She will still be charged with driving while impaired and convicted, no matter which lawyer she retains. She will automatically lose her license for a year for refusing the breath test. They just can't convict her for intoxication because they have no BAC level.

  32. 3:26 PM Interesting you give her no credit for bringing up - as you say - smart, kind, very talented young women and only comment to bash her.

  33. For years now I was trying to figure out who she looked like. This picture nailed it down for me. Heath Ledger's Joker. Perfect likeness of him

  34. No test no evidence of intoxication only the officer's opinion which can be explained away by a concussion. Even if she loses her license for a year she still comes out ahead.

  35. You obviously haven't had the pleasure of going to court in wicomico county. She will be charged with the minimum "impaired" & either probation before judgment or probation. The officers word is gold in wicomico county & it's all about the money to county for fines and state for probation. Then let's not forget the mandatory six months of alcohol classes

  36. i guess her and dru bragg have the same drunk attorney! repeat offenders, and the get off scott free!

  37. liberal voters like being abused so they will vote for her, remember when marion barry, the mayor of washington D.C. got caught and sent to prison for coke? and when he got out the liberals in D.C. re-elected him as mayor? yeah liberals are stupid and like to be abused, it solidifies their victim status. so, the worse the criminal is the more likely it is that liberals will vote for them,because nothing says victim like being represented by a convicted criminal.liberals love having an excuse to claim victim status because it makes being a bum a lot easier. i`m a bum because i`m a victim of society and the politicians i voted for :)

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    liberal voters like being abused so they will vote for her, remember when marion barry, the mayor of washington D.C. got caught and sent to prison for coke? and when he got out the liberals in D.C. re-elected him as mayor? yeah liberals are stupid and like to be abused, it solidifies their victim status. so, the worse the criminal is the more likely it is that liberals will vote for them,because nothing says victim like being represented by a convicted criminal.liberals love having an excuse to claim victim status because it makes being a bum a lot easier. i`m a bum because i`m a victim of society and the politicians i voted for :)

    March 26, 2018 at 12:00 AM

    Oh no! The Liberal voters will vote for Social Justice Warrior Jamaad Gould! Don't be such an idiot all your life you dumb moron making comments about sh!t you don't know about. You are too dumb to vote.

  39. Anonymous said...
    You obviously haven't had the pleasure of going to court in wicomico county. She will be charged with the minimum "impaired" & either probation before judgment or probation. The officers word is gold in wicomico county & it's all about the money to county for fines and state for probation. Then let's not forget the mandatory six months of alcohol classes

    March 22, 2018 at 1:56 PM

    You obviously don't know about fines. They don't go to the Counties.

  40. Anonymous said...
    i guess her and dru bragg have the same drunk attorney! repeat offenders, and the get off scott free!

    March 25, 2018 at 9:14 AM

    Speaking of scott, your boy Darrin Scott is next. He lives in bars every single night of the week since his wifey dropped him like a used condom.

  41. All placed on Stet today.

  42. Anyone know what ended up happening ? Did she end up guilty or did they drop it ? Did she ever issue public apology ?


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