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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Bill seeks test program to provide dental coverage for Maryland Medicaid recipients

The Maryland House of Delegates is set to consider a bill to establish a pilot program to provide dental insurance for Medicaid recipients, the first step toward what some lawmakers hope will be a plan to deliver extensive coverage to those with the most serious dental conditions.

The dental insurance bill, which passed the Senate unanimously Monday night, has been scaled back from legislation originally submitted by Sen. Thomas M. “Mac” Middleton.

The initial legislation sought to provide full-scale adult dental coverage for Maryland residents eligible for Medicaid. The Charles County Democrat said the bill has been amended to launch a test program under which some of the most critical dental procedures would be covered.



  1. WTF! Poor people get "benefits" for free that the rest of us either don't have, or have to pay for. No wonder they won't work.

  2. Don't worry, there are not enough Doctors to accept it. Especially in areas like the Shore.

  3. The rednecks here need it.

  4. Totally agree with you 9:25. The politicians don't give a s$$$ about the tax paying citizens. All they care about is the welfare crowd

  5. Thomas M. “Mac” Middleton is a Snowflake Libtard that has been in office too long. He is just trying to find a way to buy more votes to keep him elected. All Democrats do it.

    Just keep fighting the good fight and vote Republican. Get off your lazy ass and educate people to vote Republican. Take neighbors, friends and families who typically don't vote and take them to the polls and encourage them to vote Republican.

    We can win this fight if we all do our part.

  6. 1:18 You lost before the fight even started. MD is a democrat state. The eastern shore doesn't even support it's republican elected officials or the governor. Y'all ain't so smart.

  7. Why on earth is dental and vision coverage separate from your medical insurance? Teeth and eyes are in the same body as all your other parts. It should all be covered under one policy.

  8. Medicaid also covers old people. Just saying.

  9. March 22, 2018 at 6:21 PM:

    Medicaid is for poor and disabled people under 65. MEDICARE is for those 65 and older. Just saying...you got it wrong.


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