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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bankrupt Baltimore 'Somehow' Finds Money To Fund Lawyers For Illegal Immigrants

Baltimore ranks high on the “shithole” list for its widespread death and destruction. The city’s population hit a 100-year low in 2017, as residents are fleeing neighborhoods to escape the violent crime. The federal government stepped in last year at the request of the mayor to get the city under control. Intelligent agencies are circling above with light aircraft using optics and other spy-tech to monitor residents, meanwhile, a network of cameras on the city streets use facial recognition software to track citizen.

Furthermore, Baltimore's homicide per capita is on par with Venezuela, a country that is suffering from an economic collapse in South America.



  1. Thank the Blacks for Ruining Baltimore !!
    It is a sewer & so is Philadelphia !!! same reason !!

  2. And to provide buses and stuff for people to go go an anti-gun rally... And you clowns still love paying your taxes, higher and higher taxes to fund this crap... You all just keep on begging for them to take more and more...

    it amazes me how stupid you people are...

  3. Send a B-52 strike over there .....& start over !!!

  4. That's democrats destroying America for you.

  5. Black Democrats have ruined this country.

    I take that back Whitey has ruined this country.

  6. Baltimore is a Racist Hellhole , full of Baltimorons !!!!

  7. NK has Baltimore as #1 Target in it's sights !!!


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