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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Another Salisbury Police Officer Captured In Homeless Cat Shelter Sting

A commenter said: They took water bowls and chained down feeding stations and shelters. Straw was left all over the parking lot.


  1. Is that Chris Daughtry?

    1. Lol, I was thinking the same thing. I even had an event for a Chris Daughtry concert just above this post in my news feed. 😂

  2. Man this is high crime....almost as bad as the parking situation at Walmart!

  3. whats that all about

  4. while the wicomico deputies enforce the law in the city these so called cops are doing what they know best , nothing .

  5. I have a neighbor that just moved and left his 12+ yr old dog behind and they did nothing. I guess they were to busy bothering animal organizations that day.

    This isn't the first time our neighborhood has had a go around with them. Years ago we had another neighbor leave their dogs behind. We literally fought with animal control over the issue for 2 weeks. It was not until I told them I would take care of it myself did they take action.

    When then finally entered the abandoned home every room was covered in dog crap and pee. There was no food and water in the place.

    I acknowledge its a tough job and can not imagine the stuff they see, but they do not make good decision and it should not take 2 weeks to rescue 2 dogs.

  6. has anyone asked the Sedalia PD? Seems strange that when going to link of the Cat Coalition Face Book Page (provided in the previous article about these cats) the Sedalia PD was mentioned several times. What is that all about? Is this being done by the Sedalia PD, which is near Kohl's or in Salisbury?

  7. Day is too busy giving away all your hard earned tax money to all the fee loaders at his new "look at me" community center on truitt skreet

  8. It's not private property. It's city property. There were complaints by local businesses (think food), so the city did its thing.

    1. No we had permission from the property management company.

  9. Called Animal Control weeks ago, per Fruitland officer's instructions, have yet to hear back after leaving a message. Whose fault will it be when the dogs attack someone else? Guy in this photo looks like Animal Control officer who used to be SPD.

  10. I am not a big fan of Chili. Cant remember the last time I ate it. It is not the first time this has been a problem. Rumor is they do a lot of complaining...

    Compassion people.

  11. Good thing there are no real criminals in Salisbury to deal with.

  12. they are afraid homeless people would use them as food

  13. Support your local police. You people are as bad as the cop haters in Ferguson, maybe worse because you talk but don't protest to make a change.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Support your local police. You people are as bad as the cop haters in Ferguson, maybe worse because you talk but don't protest to make a change.

    March 17, 2018 at 9:19 PM

    Protest in smallsbury? lmao. First, hardly anyone would show up. Second, they don't do enough research to even know what they are protesting. Third, they would be mocked and ridiculed by their "friends" and others who recognized them. Fourth, people there would not support them. They like being told what to do and when to do it. Most have been brainwashed and programmed well by the public schools and those in "authority". They simply must obey. Any protesting there would have the opposite effect. People would support what was being protested and turn against the protesters. lol. sad but true.

  15. I like cats more than most "humans", I've never been mugged by a cat.

  16. And what exactty is the point of what he is doing?

  17. "Sedalia PD" Is that how they spell Salisbury at the Golden Corral?


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