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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Analysis: Amazon Paid ZERO Tax, Got $789 Million Windfall

Amazon reported $5.6 billion in U.S. profits in 2017, but didn’t pay any federal income taxes because of various credits and breaks for executive stock options, according to an analysis by the left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

“The online retail giant has built its business model on tax avoidance, and its latest financial filing makes it clear that Amazon continues to be insulated from the nation’s tax system,” Matthew Gardner, a senior fellow at ITEP, said in a blog post.

President Trump also has singled out Amazon for criticism, blaming the e-commerce giant in a tweet for “doing great damage to tax-paying retailers” and killing jobs in cities, USA Today reported in August. Trump’s attacks on Amazon are politically motivated because the company’s founder Jeff Bezos also owns The Washington Post, whose editorial page has been especially critical of the president.

But in another twist, Trump’s tax reform will help Amazon receive an additional tax credit..



  1. Hey, it's great to be rich in America

  2. Ain't that special. The get to put half of American retail businesses out of business and then pay no tax.

  3. Trump needs to hit them with antitrust laws as they are clearly a monopoly not to mention the bastard Bezos owns the Washington Post and hired 100 lawyers to dig up dirt on Mr Trump before the election. Bezos a liberal talks the talk but wants the middle class to pay for all the liberal programs or resources as the criminal mayor in Oakland would say.


    Amazon (and Google) are creations of the CIA.
    This fact is obvious to any person with 2 brain cells.

  5. Where's the pay your fair share crowd on this one? Oh I forgot they are all democrats who not any have an honest bone in their bodies.

  6. They are the richest business because they pay their employees barely above minimum wage; much like Walmart.

    The owners don't bat an eye when buying yacht for $300 million dollars but call the employees selfish for asking for a decent wage.

  7. It's the law. Make enough money and you can do the same thing.


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