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Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Viewer Writes: weird stuff!


Sorry, weird stuff!

As a military jet flew by, my neighbor was starting her car.
as it started, the dash flashed, the stereo showed a rainbow on the screen all her power car windows went down, including the ones that were electronic child locked, and the power sunroof opened.

I know you can find out "news" that didn't happen, according to broadcast media.

I thought you may be interested in this, also incase anyone else ran into the same type anomaly.

My odd experiences.
For 2 Fridays in a row, driving eastbound on route 90 @ approx. 9:30 pm,, my gas guage dropped to empty for a few seconds, and then returned to normal.

I hope this cleared it up, I know its weird, but with all that's happening in the world... sometimes I wonder.


  1. Put your tin foil hat on.

  2. It's EMP. It will make electronics go dead or malfunction. Only one way to protect yourself. Gather up all your electronics. Get a big sheet of aluminum foil. Make yourself a hat with it.

  3. Close Encounters II. Ray

  4. A lot of cars have that feature when you press the buttons multiple times on the unlock. It’s to let the car air out if you are approaching or planning to get in it soon. It will also partially open the sunroof if you have one. Rainbow is different but may just be something that manufacturer puts in their vehicle to indicate that feature has been activated.

  5. You must have a 2009 GMC. Just wait until your speedometer starts going wacky. It's not jets.
    Trust me: navy jet pilots have more interesting things to do.

  6. Attention citizens, Mothra is attacking! Evacuate!

  7. The gas gauge maybe,the car windoes,that's all BS.

  8. Rainbows???? Sounds like flashbacks :)

  9. If the writer is not lying, then how will tin foil help?

    If the writer is lying, how will tin foil help?

  10. Easy solution. Go to Pep Boys. Buy yourself an electronic microwave signal interceptor and anti-interference device. Get the one that protects against RFI transponders. They aren’t expensive at all. Right around $12.99. It simply plugs in and affords full protection against these types of things. It basically builds an invisible bubble around your vehicle while you drive and protects all electronics. The government can’t even listen in on your cell phone conversations with this device!! The guy behind the counter at Pep Boys can help you with finding it.

    1. Yep. I got one of these a few weeks ago and it works great. NAPA and Auto Zone also have them. Plugs right in to the cigarette lighter.

    2. It’s well worth the price because it prevents your car from being targeted by the speed and red light cameras. It interferes with their microwave signal. Another added bonus. It basically makes you invisible to the government.

    3. I work at Pep Boys and, after the fourth person came in looking for this, I was told about your site. We are all sold out. Please go to Auto Zone or NAPA. Thank you.

  11. You’re right!! I’m fighting battles at every turn. I’m preparing for the zombie apocalypse, the asteroids that are going to strike Earth, the reincarnation of dinosaurs and the invasion of teenage mutant ninja turtles. Now...you’ve added THIS to my fears!! Im just going to go down into my fallout shelter and hide.

  12. Nothing "odd" about your gas gauge. Defective, but not odd. I wouldn't trust that gauge until the rheostat is checked, or replaced. Could be a dash failure and the gauge is losing power to it. Chrysler / Dodge product maybe?

  13. Don't forget to pick up a flux capacitor while you're at Pep Boys.

  14. 9:06 You need to move out of your Mom's basement and visit the real world.

  15. The dogs howled and the clocks reversed.

  16. it's not a rheostat! idiot musta learned a new word, now learn the difference between a sending unit and a potentiometer!

  17. All of you need to just remain ignorant while those of us in the know laugh.

  18. My God, Marty... 10,000 Gigawatts! Where are we going to find that kind of power!?!???

  19. This is the new EMP generator we used in Iraq to kill roadside bomb signals. It jams the signals and sometimes it fries the transistors to render the bomb transmitters and receivers junk!
    Obviously the pilot was messing with you when he let out a short pulse.

  20. 955
    Are you insane?
    You are clueless about something another commenter is reporting (trying to help).

    Stop telling others what to do.

    Try reading a little bit

  21. March 22, 2018 at 9:39 AM:

    If you believe what you just said, I have some other stuff I would like to sell you.

    1. Just telling you the truth. As soon as I bought mine and plugged it in, I speed right by Wi Middle and in front of Bennett High School....no more tickets. You should go buy one. They are only $12.99!!! Until you have one, you can’t speak intelligently about what they do or don’t do.

  22. it's not a rheostat! idiot musta learned a new word, now learn the difference between a sending unit and a potentiometer!

    March 22, 2018 at 11:02 AM:

    I apologize for using a word you don't know what it means. A potentiometer has nothing to do with a gas gauge, but maybe something to do with your radio knobs. A sending unit would be the part in the gas tank. The dash gauge is controlled by a rheostat, which takes the signal from the sending unit and controls where the needle on the gauge points. You're the one that needs an education, and I just gave it to you for free. You're welcome. (Your grammar needs some work too.)

  23. March 23, 2018 at 11:46 AM:

    "Go by one" so you can speed through school zones without getting a ticket? I can speak intelligently and tell you what an ass and dangerous driver you are. Do you even have enough sense to know what you are suggesting? You are definitely stupid if you think everyone should be speeding through school zones. Now there's some truth for you.

    1. Where does it say that the person speeds through school zones when students are present? Maybe they speed through there at 10pm at night. Also, the speed limit is 35mph. Tickets are given at 4ph. Maybe they are doing 45mph and not getting a ticket. Hardly a reckless action. Do me a favor, when you step off your high horse, tuck and roll, that first step is a doozy.

  24. 9:12 AM, Hate to break it to you but you are wrong. A rheostat is a potentiometer that can be varied. Such as a volume control for a radio or a dimmer switch for the dash lights. A gas guage is not a rheostat. A gas guage measures voltage from the sending unit in the gas tank. The sending unit measures level via a series of reed switches that open or close as the level changes increasing or decreasing the voltage to the guage.

  25. Last night my dog told me not to believe this post. Then my cat disagreed and said all dogs are stupid. Then a jet flew over and they both just shut up and listened. Scary I tell you. Then all of a sudden the dog said go buy 20 cases of Alpo this sh** might be real. lol

  26. Aliens in the sky over Wicomico County.

  27. I built my own electronic microwave signal interceptor, but it took several attempts and there was some Fallout.


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