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Thursday, March 22, 2018

A Viewer Writes: UMES

Please explain to me how a Division I school who received state/government funding for their development NOT be able to maintain the standards/requirements to keep their pool open. According to local high schools that have/ organizing teams that have used the pool in the past now have limited opportunities because the pool is closed due to not passing inspection.


  1. That school is there for one reason only, to place all the kids that the University of Maryland doesn't want on their Baltimore campus. To appease the race issue, to give paper diplomas to all who cant make it in typical colleges. They hired people to translate the essays so they could figure out the street slang, or Ebonics. I am not sure they still do that. The students destroy all the athletic equipment, windows to gyms. I've seen windows in gym destroyed, and basketball rims ripped off. Students were at one time stealing projectors, then selling them on eBay for gaming systems. The college finds them purchases them back to keep it quiet is one side of the story I heard. Its run like all the liberal cities, poorly. You get what you hire to run it, and what you allow to go to the college.

  2. It identifies as a clean pool people okay?

  3. It can take something as little and easy to fix as a loose, missing or broken tile and a pool will fail .

  4. So how long does it take to fix a loose, missing or broken tile? Thirty minutes?

  5. UMES is a place to go for make believe. It is equivalent to a parallel universe. People show up, go through the motions but nothing ever gets accomplished. It’s a short bus school at best. Yes, a mind is a terrible thing to waste so why are they allowed to continue??

  6. Is there another place where TSS can practice until then? Perhaps the Y?

  7. The pool was closed because it failed an electrical inspection in the pump room. Repairs are currently being done. Athletics at UMES and various amenities which are provided by Athletics Dept. at the institution are NOT state funded. Please try to get your facts in order before bashing that which you do not know about.

  8. If the pool failed they would have told them why it failed.

  9. Look who runs the place. There are legitimate students there making a legitimate go at it. However the admissions requirements are so lacks that anyone can get in. And they do let anyone in along side of the students that want to work. It essentially 13th grade.

    6:18am is correct. Its a clearing house for people they dont want in other UMD schools. They dont want to appear racists so they need to have a solution of the crybabies that cant make it into actual college.

  10. MY guess is that the pool is no deeper that 3 feet.

  11. Maybe east salisbury parents will pay for it thats why they have a field trip there 12$ per student lmfao what a joke

  12. Oh quit your crying. If it's free and it stops working, we don't want to hear it.


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