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Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Viewer Writes: School Safety


I tried to get these points as a response to one of your articles and it would not allow me to submit it. This is not the first time.

I sent this to our Eastern Shore Republican Delegation along with Miller and Busch. This is real school safety / security.

I am expressing my concerns about school safety. Gun control / restrictions on weapons and accessories is not the answer. Why do I not here of proposals for long lasting solutions for school safety / security.

As a Retired Correctional Officer I have yet to understand why security measures from the Correctional System has never been proposed instead of ignored. What I hear is not / never school security / safety. Following procedures are examples of school safety / security:

1) Electronic doors dividing schools into sectors

2) Security at all outside entrances into the buildings

3) Security cameras in all areas including classrooms monitored by a Resource Office

4) Panic buttons in all areas including classrooms that would seal all outside doors and all sectors

5) Override in Main Office for complete system with a code

6) When system is activated it will also contact Police, EMS and other 1st responders automatically

There should be a savings in manpower for Resource Officers per year, since Resource Officers will have to be increased to at least 2-3 per school per day as it stands now for increased security. The cost alone would be a savings after the initial installation.

Politians need to get off the gun control and think about real security and school safety. These ideas need to be investigated so it will, I hope, be presented so Politians will understand this is real school safety / security and not gun control.

Quit attempting to punish law abiding citizens / gun owners. Common sense needs to be used.

Concerned Retiree


  1. All makes sense. That is why the politicians won't do it

  2. Hand out free T shirts that say “I MAY be a concealed carrier”. It’s a lot cheaper.

  3. Poster: That is becasue all they want gun control, not safety... They try to give you the illusion that with gun control you will have safety... As you see that is not the answer, which is why they keep having to pass more and more anti-gun laws... Because anti-gun laws are not the answer... Have you notices the clowns that push anti-gun laws, keep saying we need more background checks and to make it illegal for a criminal to get or have a gun... Do you realize how stupid that is???? Certain criminals already under the law can't get or own guns... There are already background checks to buy a gun...

    That is just like the HQL here for Maryland, the whole point is to tax you and make it more harder and take a longer process for you to get gun so you won't feel like buying one... You have to get finger prints, you have to go to the range and get training, you have to do a background check to get the HQL, then every single time you buy a gun, you have to do a background check, so what is the point of having to do a background check to get the HQL to buy a handgun, to have to do a background check every time you buy a handgun??? It is pointless...

    Also, to my finally point, they want gun control laws to stop us from being able to fight back against the govt if it tried to do something stupid... My point,and for example, have you heard int eh news how China, has or wants to get rid of term limits for president and become a dictator??? Well, trump was supposedly joking around saying maybe we should do that or try it sometime... That is what guns and the 2nd amendment is for, people who don't want to leave office, try to become dictator and we can come in and take them out... If you have no guns like germinal or Austria or whom ever it was, they all go murdered and couldn't fight back against their dictator...

  4. Great ideas. Thoughts:

    1) Some classrooms in every school are doorless. That would have to be rectified.

    2) Most, if not all, schools issue a school ID to each student. These could be bar coded to swipe for entrance to/exit from and within the school. Require them to be visible at all times just as staff has to. Schools can provide lanyards at a low cost. Kids should be able to produce their ID on demand or face disciplinary measures like having a parent bring ID to school ASAP.

    3) Locking outside doors in classrooms can keep people out, but also keep victims IN. Provide a security panel that teachers can key in a code to unlock the door for fire drill/escape should he/she deem it is the best course of action.

    4) Most schools have heavy doors that divide building sections. Put a swipe system on that.

    5). All administration offices with glass fronts should have bulletproof glass.

    6) Kids need to know that they can not just let any person in a school’s locked door. Even if it’s the polite thing to do.

    7) A TEXT reporting system for kids to report suspicious behavior during school hours. Kids must be assured they will remain anonymous. LEO can handle non-school hours.

    8) Logos on school uniforms help visually and immediately differentiate students AND staff from joe public. Establish a fund & swap meet to help those who are FARM students. What’s more important, your “individuality” rights or your life?

    There really needs to be a monthly county action committee that includes LEO, BOE, county council, administrators, parents, and students whose sole purpose is to request, review, and implement public ideas for protecting our kids.

    1. Those ideas are good and might make it more difficult and slow down someone's plan a little bit. There would also have to be a tall, razor fence as well around the perimeter of the property so far back from each side of the school so that a bullet can't reach the school. If someone wants to shoot up a school, he's just going to wait until the end of the day and get a whole lot more kids. When the government stops the slap on the wrist sentences for criminals and starts to address all of the mental health issues going on with people we might have a little bit of a chance .

  5. Even the DMV has an armed State Police officer stationed all day. I guess drivers are more important than students.

    1. Yea but the troopers at the MVA are patsies that couldn’t make it on road patrol.

  6. Amazing, that even now, with all the evidence smacking you in the face, even the so called experienced and educated...wont face the reality. The corrupt politicians refuse to do the right things BECAUSE it dosent fit their long term agenda. That agenda is to destroy the Constitution and disarm America....its the ONLY way they have a chance at global take over and ruling by the global corrupt.

  7. 9:56 That is because even a normal person wants to kill somebody after dealing with the DMV!

  8. School windows would have to be replaced at least on all ground floor classrooms and offices with something more resilient than the current glass.

  9. Hahahaha, you yahoos won't stand for a school tax increase to fix heating/cooling systems, paint or even supplies for these schools. Bet your ideas won't sound so great to you once you put a price tag on it.

  10. Cant give teachers a raise but expect to spend millions upon millions to upgrade the schools. Where is that going to come from?

  11. Truth is my kids are more likely to be killed in a car accident then a school shooting.

  12. Would be nice to see the Politians response to the initial article. They want to publish articles on this site so pressure should be put on them to respond individually on this site.

  13. Thanks to integration, we now have to convert our schools into replicas of Corrections facilities?

    1. Will COs allow drugs to be smuggled in like they do in Prisons ?

  14. 3:08 I know right. All these white kids shooting up the schools.

  15. Soooo....turn schools into prisons. Got it. SMH.


  16. Hahahaha, you yahoos won't stand for a school tax increase to fix heating/cooling systems, paint or even supplies for these schools. Bet your ideas won't sound so great to you once you put a price tag on it.
    March 23, 2018 at 10:57 AM
    Anonymous said...

    Cant give teachers a raise but expect to spend millions upon millions to upgrade the schools. Where is that going to come from?
    March 23, 2018 at 11:18 AM

    Casino and lottery money. Gaming was passed in the guise of it going to fund schools. So put that money where it was passed and intended.

  17. If it is not being done already....make unannounced K9 searches a regular event.

  18. Put a pail of rocks in each classroom,LOL!

  19. This is not a money fix like so many issues. You cant by your child's safty. For the past 30 years many have fought tooth and nail to take God out of our schools and to take God away from our children and community I say it's time to put God back where him belongs in our school's, in our lives in our community and in our country. Put God in everything you do. So with Easter just one week away I pray for God to number one in all of us.

  20. Do any of you know how much money this would cost? School construction is the MOST expensive, local thing to build as it is now. Why is sane gun control , that costs the tax payers very little not an option to consider if , as you say, all options are on the table?


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