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Friday, March 30, 2018

A Viewer Writes: "It's Disgusting And A Disgrace"

This post is such bs!! Him and his campaign including the current sheriff have run the dirtiest campaign I've ever witnessed. What the general public is not seeing is what's going on behind the scenes within the sheriff office. It's disgusting and a disgrace!

Matt claiming to be running a "clean" campaign is a joke! His true character is not what everyone is seeing on fb. His true character is one of lies, deceit and buying and begging for votes.
“The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.” ~Adlai Stevenson

It has long been said that "Politics is a dirty business", while this is generally true and often expected, the plain truth is that it doesn't have to be this way!

Since I filed my candidacy to be YOUR next Sheriff of Worcester County on February 28, 2017, the first date allowable by law, I have promised to run a good, clean, upright campaign. I have kept this promise and I will continue to do so until Election Day!

There are many issues and challenges facing the next Sheriff. The residents of Worcester County deserve candidates who are focused on the issues and concerns at hand, not on petty insults or mudslinging. I am focused like a laser beam on making Worcester County the safest place to live, work, visit and do business in.

I have always said I will give you reasons why you should vote for me, but I will never give you a reason why you should not vote for another candidate. I invite all candidates running to follow my lead and give the citizens of Worcester County the best possible candidates on Election Day. We as candidates should strive to bring out the best in each other and not display the worst in ourselves.

The residents of Worcester County deserve nothing less than the best!



  1. Mmmm , both sides seem dirty to me , get a life. Politics an amazing lie that people believe , including this post , we know your bias .

  2. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and looks like a duck.....well??????

    Menage a trois anyone?


  3. Joe here is a story for you. I linked to this Daily Rag editorial by their own Democrat Mouthpiece, the one and only Gains Hawkins. After linking to the story on the Daily Rag and going back to the @DowntownSby twitter page it hit me like a ton of bricks. WTH does this editorial/Letter to the editor by the Wicomico County Democrat Club President have to do with Downtown Salisbury? Absolutely NOTHING!! I looked at all the surrounding tweets and it was mostly all about what's going on in Salisbury. Then that one brick hit me. This is nothing but a political attack piece by Jake Day because this is his Twitter account. This is a cheap shot by Jake Day using the City of Salisbury Twitter account to attack a political candidate from the other Party. You should screen capture it just in case Jake Day takes it down. Jake Day, Mike Dunn, Bill McCain, et. al. are all trying to make Bob look bad and shame him and the county council into doing away with the Revenue Cap. Shame on Jake Day for using city resources to attack Republicans, what a loser!


    Downtown Salisbury "Jake Day's other Twitter Page"

    Open for business? Lack of school funding says otherwise: Letter https://www.delmarvanow.com/story/opinion/readers/2018/03/29/open-business-lack-school-funding-says-otherwise-letter/460165002/ … via @MyDelmarvaNow

    "Open for business? Lack of school funding says otherwise: Letter"
    "Wicomico County Democratic Club President Gains Hawkins writes about economic harm caused by chronic underfunding of public education in th..."

  4. Wicomico County Sheriffs office fails the town of Pittsville.
    Little is ever said about the failures of our most popular Sheriff in Wicomico County but the latest action by the Pittsville Town Council should be a wake up call for all the citizens of Wicomico County. Tired of the inaction and lack of service the Pittsville Town Council voted last week to fully organize a police department. Town folk showed up in force to support this action throwing their support behind the council even if means higher taxes, most said they were willing to pay more. Pittsville is a growing town and we need protection from the criminal elements one councilmember was quoted and we know this will cost money. Lack of response of the incident at Pittsville Middle School seemed to be the tipping point in this decision. Little is known yet as to the cost or who will be hired as the towns first officer

    1. Really? Is this true? And no, I am not being a smart$&@, I just would have thought that this would have drawn A LOT more attention, is all.

  5. Pictures don't lie.

  6. Just ask McDermott what has happened to him since he filed to run against Deputy Doofus. Clean campaign? What a joke.

  7. That picture is worth 1000 words


  8. Italian surname guy in picture masquerading as Irish in demeaning fashion. Cultural misappropriation run amok!

  9. I hear Bob Harris will be running for sheriff next term.

  10. Yes, Mike McDermott has not only been attacked unfairly by the current administration, but Reggie Mason has threatened Deputies who support him as well as parading around in uniform DURING working hours with Crisafulli campaigning. They can't staff the schools with dedicated deputies and waste thousands upon thousands of dollars paying high ranking officers to ride motorcycles in parades while the Sheriff's Office of Worcester County barely has enough staffing to cover patrol of their neighborhoods because they are being used to fill the vacancies in the schools.

  11. Chris has internationally turned the WCSO upside down, no-one other than the children and mom's will vote for his completely incompetent platform.

  12. The town of Pittsville should make the taxpayers that have children in that school pay They cannot even clean there own ditches out or keep R-2 residential areas free of tow trucks and junk cars.It should be put up for vote before any tax increase is implemented. The Peoples Republic of Pittsville with chairman Whitehead and crew let almost 100k slide under there nose from Karla Moore and clan. Maybe that money could have been used to pay a S.R.O.at the school. I wonder if the 100k has ever been paid back to the town? That debt was probably buried with Denver Moore along with the misappropriation of burial lots and contractual grass cutting at the Pittsville Cemetery.


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