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Saturday, March 03, 2018

8 Million Mothers Sign Declaration: ‘The Era of Radical Feminism Is Over’

HomeMakers for America will be in the nation’s capital on March 8 to celebrate a national and international movement that started in May 2017 when the pro-God, pro-family, and pro-freedom organization published its Declaration of Mothers.

Since then, thousands of women in more than 4,000 U.S. cities and all 50 states have signed the declaration, several governors are proclaiming March 8 International Mothers Influence Day, and last month Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) entered the declaration into the Congressional Record.

In January 2018 HomeMakers for America partnered with women around the world to issue the Worldwide Declaration of Mothers, which has since been signed by organizational leaders representing eight million people in more than 150 countries around the world.

“It is clear that despite what the media and radical feminists would have us believe, the pink-hatted protestors do not speak for the majority of women in America—or the world,” the organization said in its press release about the national briefing that will take place at the Phyllis Schlafly Center in Washington, D.C.

HomeMakers for America noted that the left degrades motherhood and its crucial role for children, families, the community, and civil society.



  1. If this is the case, why are there sooooooooooooooooo many spoiled, rotten and bad azz kids. Today's women think they can do it all. Mom's, kids and jobs. What ya really need to do is have kids, raise your kids and take good care of your husbands. That's what real mom's do. They don't blame feminism.

  2. Sorry to write it again, but the Left principles represent: Communism.

    Read the Communist Manifesto and everything will begin to make sense.
    Thank you

  3. I raised my daughter and worked. I wanted her to have a better life. She went to a private school - spoke french when she was 4. He is a grown woman with her own daughter and her daughter is a 4.0 grade average. Even though I Worked my daughter didn't suffer. Also. It wasn't in my vows to cater to my husband. It was a partnership. 50years and still counting. However, I want nothing to do with the ERA of Radical Feminist - it is not my cup of tea.


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