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Monday, March 26, 2018

7 Techniques Liberals Use to Silence Conservatives

Free speech has become a conservative idea by default because liberals don’t believe in it any more. Liberals have given up on the idea of coming up with the best argument and now work tirelessly to silence their opposition so they can win the argument by default. Liberals NEED to do this because their ideas don’t work very well in the real world and if their ideas are tested and evaluated logically, they will be rejected by most people. So, how do they get around that?

1) Libsplaining: For every guy out there mansplaining, there are probably 500 liberals libsplaining what some conservative supposedly REALLY MEANT at exactly the same time. If you’re conservative, pretty much anything you say will be reinterpreted by liberals to mean something totally different. Against welfare because you think it encourages people not to work? You must hate black people. We need to cut wasteful government programs? You despise poor people. You weren’t in love with Trump, but really didn’t like Hillary, so you voted for him? You obviously want to turn America into Nazi Germany AND you hate women. None of this would be more than an annoyance except for the fact that liberals then take their completely nonsensical interpretation of what conservatives say and present it to the world as reality. This is how, for example, tens of millions of liberals who have probably never listened to Rush Limbaugh in their entire lives think he furiously spews lies and racist rants against the poor for three hours per day. Liberals seem to be practically incapable of taking common conservative beliefs at face value because that could lead them to intellectually engage in a debate about the best way to handle a problem, which could lead them away from liberal doctrine, which could….uh, YOU’RE A RACIST! THAT’S WHY.

2) Violence: Why are the liberal fascists in ANTIFA violently protesting? They’re violently protesting that people they disagree with are allowed to speak at all. Incidentally, “people they disagree with” runs the gamut from Nazis to mainstream conservatives. Ultimately, the liberals who send death and rape threats to conservative women like Dana Loesch and Michelle Malkin have the same goal as ANTIFA. They want to use the threat of violence to convince them to quit and to intimidate other women who agree with them. The limits on it are determined in large part by what they believe they can escape punishment for doing. Not every liberal will get violent, but violent groups like ANTIFA would be nothing without friendly police departments and college campuses that turn a blind eye to their activities. When they think they can get away with it, liberals are perfectly comfortable with using violence to silence their political opponents. Keep that in mind when they demand that you give up your guns.


1 comment:

  1. Half of the United States is Democrat or "liberal".

    This article paints of a caricature of people who don't really exist... or are a tiny percentage of "liberals".

    This us vs them nonsense gets us nowhere, mires us in distraction, and directly fuels the flames that halt any progress or resolution to problems.

    Remember, we are ALL Americans. Lets find our common ground. I think you will find that they are more similar to us than you think (yes! I am a libertarian conservative. )


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