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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

You're fired: Trump to rid 'worst' federal workers, automatic raises, fat bennies

President Trump plans to take the huge federal Civil Service off cruise control, ending automatic pay increases that go to 99.7 percent of the workforce, trimming fat benefit packages, and for the “worst,” rolling out his trademark phrase from The Apprentice, “You’re fired!”

In his budget, set for release Monday, his administration is planning the biggest reform to the federal workforce in decades, using models from Amazon, Google, and a handful of well-operating agencies.

Officials said the overall goal is to bring the 1950s-styled Civil Service into the digital age, introduce automation, reward “the best” with bonuses, make it easier to hire and fire, and provide “flexibility” by moving employees where they are needed and even rehiring skilled retirees.

Gone would be the automatic reward of pay “step” increases of 3 percent to 5 percent which 99.7 percent of workers get, regardless of their performance. Also targeted, said the officials, are annual reviews that now give “everybody” a grade of four or five on a scale of five. And benefits, now 47 percent higher than in the private workforce, according to a congressional report, will be trimmed.

“This is a subject that essentially people have ignored,” said a top Trump budget official at a background briefing. “The American people elected a president that promised dramatic change.”



  1. The federal workers' unions will scream, but they've been complicit in keeping some of the worst of the worst employees on the payrolls.

  2. Of course the Unions will scream. That's why Federal workers are paying them. A bigger challenge though is what to do with the USPS? It's not that the workers are bad. It just has outlived it's need.

    1. Tell that to Amazon and rural America.

  3. Love the good president more each day. Just when he does good things, more keep following. Someone once said on the campaign trail "you're going to get tired of winning". Nope it will never happen sir.

  4. They also need to re-vamp the job entry process. Eliminate the internal candidate advantage and make all positions "Direct-Hire" eligible. Currently, because of the USA-Jobs process, the most eligible candidates don't even get an interview - and the only ones that make it through the process are the ones that we would want to get rid of!

  5. This is the workplace equivalent of a participation trophy. Get rid of it!

  6. Don’t stop there. Let’s work on term limits and reducing perks and benefits of Congress for starters.

  7. The federal worker unions' lobbyists are sharpening their knives, and their tongues.

  8. 1:18, meow!

    Make the system work for you. Take a job somewhere just to get in. Don't expect the system to change for YOU. FIND a way to make the system work for you because the spoils system will never EVER go away under any system!

    Trump either has 3 or 7 more years and he's gone. Don't know about you, but waiting won't work either!

    From someone on the inside who just like you was very bitter until I made the system work for me! Once you are in - you then have the inside track on everything!

  9. Alot of Deadbeats need to be FIRED !!! Get on with it !!


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