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Saturday, February 10, 2018

WSJ Asks: Why Is The Media Ignoring The Real Bombshell FISA Memo?

We'll bring you Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel's tweetstorm in a moment, but I'll take a stab at answering her question about the media right out of the gate.

Three possibilities:

(1) The GOP hyped the Nunes memo, which quickly became the center of this whole firestorm -- replete with counter-memos, FBI objections, etc. The press followed the spotlight.

(2) As we've been saying, there are so many complex pieces of this larger puzzle, following the plot is difficult. It's not just news consumers wondering, "which memo is this now?" -- it's many of the people trying to cover this drama, too. The document in question here is a second, less redacted, version of a Senate memo that few people have even heard of.

(3) The Senate memo, produced by non-bomb-throwers Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham, is substantially more disruptive to the Democrats' narrative than the Nunes document. And the press generally prefers Democratic narratives to Republican ones because most journalists are liberals.



  1. Why is the media beating the hell out of Trump/Russia/memos/et al? We don't care and are not watching! There is no smoking gun and its embarrassing that most news is like the National Enquirer OR doesn't tell us whats happening at home.....WBOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Just keep on rooting around. There are plenty of truffles to be found.

  3. The media is controlled by deep state communists

  4. 242
    Bingo - you are correct.

    They are the secret owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, ECB, and BOJ
    Generational banking families.


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