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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office: Do As I Say, Not As I Do


  1. WOW this is sure important info to post. Good way to start a foggy Saturday morning. Lets post something on the WCSO to get the cop vilification in progress. About like me posting a sign in my yard saying "NO TRESSPASSING". That means others, not myself. SMF

  2. It's called law Enforcement privilege! NO BIG DEAL.....

  3. If any of us sat in the middle of a median at night with our lights off, first we would get tested for dui and then we would get a ticket for illegal parking...at least.

  4. Everything is cop privilege around here. Speeding when not in route to a call, talking to people w/ no regard, but expecting respect... treating others beneath them... However, thats just a small clan of them. I have encounter some very helpful, handsome respectful and caring county and state men, but them Salisbury ones, ugggh they are definitely the lower classed and it shows in their behavior and etiquette.

  5. He's getting the Humvee ready to go doortodoor and get them guns

  6. Who cares? The sign is theirs too.

  7. Is anyone going to run against Lewis?

  8. Anonymous said...
    Who cares? The sign is theirs too.
    February 24, 2018 at 1:05 PM

    WE care

  9. 8:05

    YOU’RE not that important


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