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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Why elites love 'diversity' and why it is so dangerous for everyone else

You are a bigot and a hater if you don’t agree with Nancy Pelosi that all of the DACA recipients deserve not just immediate citizenship and the right to vote for Democrats, but that they are morally superior to those of us born as citizens. In fact, we are lucky they chose to grace us with their presence. No stunt is too weird – no even an 8-hour speech in well-photographed and celebrated stiletto heels -- if the goal is to extol the virtues of open borders.

For more than a decade. we all have endlessly been lectured, “Diversity is our strength,” and the only permitted reaction to the arrival of MS 13, honor killings, and clitoridectomies is to “Celebrate Diversity.”

And it is not just Americans subjected to this nonsense. The elites of most of the Western democracies are intent on forcing their own peoples to absorb millions of immigrants from cultures with values hostile to their own. Ask the German women gang raped in Cologne, the Swedes cautioned about going out alone at night, or the Jews of France, subject to lethal attack on the streets if wearing identifiably Jewish garb.



  1. This is all spirtiual in nature. The forces of Satan and his followers (islam, leftist,marxist, communist, democrats, rinos,globalists, NWO, libtards & LGBT) against the truth and the word of God

    1. Have you noticed most of all basic tv is unwatchable? Every show has a teenage boy kissing other boy 90 percent are somehow racist towards straight white men. Makes me sick I cancelled cable.

  2. I was really hoping Pelosi would faint or something when she kept going on and on and on. She needs to go home to California and pick grapes with all her illegal employees.

  3. You reap what you sow.

  4. Diversity can be beneficial - a single strain of potatoes resulted in the potato famine....multiple varieties were able to resist that plague....

    Forced diversity in business prevents a business from operating at its best potential...forcing a hiring based on something other than performance hurts the business, the qualified individual that did not get hired, and eventually the unqualified person that got hired. As an example, a few years ago there was a purge of Army commissioned officers based on performance - which upon review, released a high percentage of non-Caucasian personnel...all with long term mediocre performance records - many of which were brought in to the system via diversity hiring quotas. The better candidates didn't get a chance in the first place and the unqualified candidates that got in were eventually released. Good end-result that should never have happened as the performance issues posed a risk to the unit effectiveness.

    America's recent foray in to diversity and inclusion for it's own sake at the executive level took our country to the brink of the end of existence. Thank goodness for term limits and the electoral college!

  5. You gotta love our completely dumbed down products of the US "education" system who repeat the nonsense "diversity is our strength."
    God Bless the ignorant fools' hearts. Ignorance at it's finest. What makes a nation strong are what people have in common like dreams and goals and faith and customs, etc. Differences do not make a nation strong.

  6. The ones who came up with the"diversity " idea along with all of the ones who keep shoving it down our throats should face a firing squad

  7. Diversity is a Communist (Illuminati) agenda.

  8. American children get dumber as each year passes.
    They can't read, write, add, subtract, estimate, or think clearly and with reason.
    They are schooled in victimhood and self-esteem.
    Then they hit the real world and fail miserably. But their classes were diverse and inclusive.
    When II was in school, they separated the smart kids from the less smart ones. There were no fights in the class and no disruptions.
    Smart kids got to learn.
    Now all they can do is concentrate on not getting beat up, raped, or robbed by all the diverse students.
    Foreigners with no regard for our country, our customs, our language or our laws are in class with your kid. It shows.
    Keep cheering.

  9. Today's generation the education is not their priority because of the gadgets that everything they will know right away after searching in the internet. But thank you for the reminders of how the education important, and you did a great motivation in this blog.


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