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Monday, February 26, 2018

Welcome Home Mayor of Pocomoke, Seriously!


  1. You gotta be kidding. Only in Pockajoke.

  2. Paid for by hard working taxpayers.

  3. Glad to see the Mayor back home....get well Bruce! Nice display in Pocomoke!

  4. What the hell is this country coming to?

  5. Another politician that has convinced himself of his self importance. A true legend, in his own small mind

  6. What a great thing to live in a community where people care so much! Pocomoke is special!

  7. Unbelievable! our tax dollars wasted again. Glad he's well but I think that was very unnecessary.

  8. Mayor of pocomoke city gets a police escort coming home from hospital?? What kind of escort did Nyann Smith get?? Your ongoing need for being noticed and actually feeling relevant are sickening

  9. Anonymous said...
    Mayor of pocomoke city gets a police escort coming home from hospital?? What kind of escort did Nyann Smith get?? Your ongoing need for being noticed and actually feeling relevant are sickening

    February 26, 2018 at 1:59 PM

    WTF is a Nyann Smith??

  10. Anonymous said...
    Where’s he been?

    February 26, 2018 at 10:57 AM

    He had a serious brain bleed. He needs prayers and not criticism. I know it's overkill, but I wish I would have gotten an escort like that when I came home from the hospital. Small town love. Get well soon Bruce.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Another politician that has convinced himself of his self importance. A true legend, in his own small mind

    February 26, 2018 at 12:20 PM

    That's far from the truth. Bruce didn't set any of this up. Other elected officials did and the town supported it. I know it's overkill, but I sense some jealousy.

  12. Easy Love was waiting with open arms!

    1. Yea we still have a lot of love for our riding buddy Nyann Smith too. This family just needs to shut up and go away.

  13. I think a Crisfield city councilman had a similar ride home.


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