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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Watch A Flustered John Podesta Respond To "How 13 Russians Operatives" Outsmarted Hillary

Former Clinton campaign manager and ardent foodie, John Podesta, was caught flat-footed during a heated exchange on CBS's "Face the Nation" Sunday after being asked about the campaign's failure to campaign in so-called "purple states" in 2016.

In a discussion of 13 Russian nationals indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, host Nancy Cordes noted that Russian operatives who meddled in the election somehow realized the importance of focusing on those highly contested swing states.

“How is it that these Russian operatives knew to focus on purple states like Michigan and Wisconsin and your campaign didn’t?”Nancy Cordes, the host of “Face the Nation,” asked Podesta.

A defensive Podesta responded “Of course we spent a lot of time and energy and effort in all those states."

Cordes pushed back, something Podesta wasn't prepared for. “Hillary Clinton did not spend much time" in said "purple" states. A flustered Podesta then stammered his way through a series of talking points, noting “We had Tim Kaine was there, Barack Obama and she spent enormous time in Pennsylvania and Michigan.”



  1. He is one creepy dude

  2. What a tool. Not the sharpest one in the kit, either.

  3. This sorry excuse for an American needs some prison time. The evidence is there.


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