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Sunday, February 11, 2018

U.S. Episcopal Diocese Votes To Stop Using Masculine Pronouns For God

"Expanding our language for God"

God will no longer be referred to as He or Him in the Episcopal Church Diocese of Washington, D.C., which passed a resolution last week barring all use of masculine pronouns when referring to the Almighty. They will be updating their Book of Common Prayer as a result.

According to LifeSiteNews, the resolution called for an end to "gendered language for God" and was passed quickly by delegates to the Diocese's 123rd Convention.

“If revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God,” the resolution stated.



  1. Oh great an Omnipotent IT.

  2. They have been losing followers and closing churches throughout this country. Maybe this is a way to trying to get more people. Lutheran Elca will be next.

  3. Son of God, not gender neutral offspring of a higher power!

    1. Also is GOD THE FATHER. Not god the mother

  4. Well this should be the end for the Episcopal Church. Any person that calls themself a Christian would never stay in a church and tolerate such blasphemy.
    God is always referred to in the Bible in the masculine gender. When you start rewriting the Bible it no longer is the Word of God. It then becomes just another book written by man.

    1. Amen!!! You're spot on!!!

    2. “It then becomes just another book written by man“

      Uhhhhm....It is just another book written by man. You just disproved your own beliefs in one sentence but are so wrapped up in your mindless blind faith you can’t see it.

  5. "Babylon the Great....the mother of the disgusting things on the earth"....Revelation 17:5 !!!! Say no more.

  6. We are FORCED to ignore science for angry people. I don't care what you SAY or DO but a man is man and a women is a women...

  7. Catholic Light. And getting lighter.

  8. Will the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster go in a similar direction? Being touched by His noodly appendages is central to our faith. We may call him "He", but as we're talking Spaghetti Monster in discussion and what little prayer we claim, it's just a convenience. We don't focus on things so trivial.


  9. Most churches are moving away from the truth in the word. This is one prime example of a new age religion. Doomed and following the hidden dangers of the rainbow satanic club.
    A church willing to drag its followers on a road to nowhere.

  10. 7:03. No comparison to Catholic. Hope that makes you feel more self righteous.

  11. So now we know they are Satanists

  12. 658
    Actually there is no such thing (in the English language) as "a women".
    Women is plural = more than one
    A is an article of singularity.

  13. 9:22 If you were not an atheist and had any faith in God. You would know that the scribes that wrote down the word of God were inspired by God as what to write. God told them what to write down and moved their hand to write it. Do you know of any other book written by man that has survived as long as the Bible. That is God preserving his word for the people of the world. Therefore I did not disprove my beliefs. I still believe the Bible was inspired by God and he preserves his word.

  14. 11:08, you're going yo have to spell "woman" out for this one who's been spelling it in the plural on here for years, LOL!

  15. Next they will come for JESUS - so glad I left them 16 years ago.

  16. I agree with 6:53 AM. Appears 9:22 likes to hear himself or herself speak. Gender of 9:22 could change from time to time is why I used both.

  17. Organized religion is for fools!

  18. 6:53 The Torah. The Koran.

  19. Not high on my list of priorities.

  20. Easily renamed because it is just imaginary. God is the universe. Anyone that submits to some all powerful omnipotent being is a total fool.


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