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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Update/Meeting On Wicomico County Animal Ordinance

Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council

During next week's council meeting, we will be holding a public hearing on legislation that would overhaul the county's animal ordinance. This rewrite of the laws governing dogs, cats, and other animals was prompted by concerns that the current law had some problems. For instance, Wicomico County's current standards for ordering dogs euthanized is far harsher compared to many other jurisdictions. A committee thoroughly reviewed our law and made a variety of recommendations. These are embodied in the bill that will be considered on February 6. Let me know what you think about it: http://www.wicomicocounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/6643


  1. I don't have a question about the animal ordinance, but I do question why you support John Cannon for president?

  2. Because he is the king of the slumlords.

  3. I am just glad to see that they added that if you trespass or unlawfully enter a property, you tease or torment the animal, the owner and the dog are not liable!!!! That is how it should be in the first damn place... I don't see how a dog protecting its home from a trespasser is the fault of the dog or owner anyway, but the city of SBY knuckleheads sure believed it to be...

    1. If the dogs don't get them I really pity them dealing with me.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I don't have a question about the animal ordinance, but I do question why you support John Cannon for president?

    February 1, 2018 at 10:29 AM

    Yeah I was wondering myself about that. I hope you don't decide to run again.

  5. Speaking of dogs and what I saw yesterday twice reminded me, is what is the deal with back yard kennels around here? I have lived in 7 different states and have done business in nearly all 50, and this is the only area where back yard kennels are so extremely common. The weather can be horrible here and still, the dogs are kept in these kennels, outside. They might have a dog house, but that is it. What is the point of having a family pet when they are going not be in the house? At a minimum, they should be on a runner and have a dog house, not cooped up in a wire box with no room to run.

  6. Why would you type in all CAPS. That's one lazy employee.

  7. County Representative Kilmer, please tell us what you think is appropriate for the changes?
    Then we can have the satisfaction of agreeing or disagreeing with your assessment.
    What you're asking now tells us that you don't have a clue.

  8. Give the Committee and the animals what's
    ask for by and for them.
    Why wouldn't you anyway Council????

  9. Revised Laws seem "long over-due" after
    reading the Older ones here.

    I would think/hope our County Council would
    want to protect Animals as much as possible.
    Allowing mistreatment isn't acceptable as
    they can't help themselves. They feel pain,
    the same as any human does.

    Gaundi stated, " A Country can be judged
    by the way it treats their animals."

    How true. Hope the Council knows they
    too will be judged by the way they vote
    on these.

  10. Anonymous DavidC said...
    Speaking of dogs and what I saw yesterday twice reminded me, is what is the deal with back yard kennels around here? I have lived in 7 different states and have done business in nearly all 50, and this is the only area where back yard kennels are so extremely common. The weather can be horrible here and still, the dogs are kept in these kennels, outside. They might have a dog house, but that is it. What is the point of having a family pet when they are going not be in the house? At a minimum, they should be on a runner and have a dog house, not cooped up in a wire box with no room to run.

    February 1, 2018 at 10:59 AM

    Man I'm impressed. You lived in 7 states and done business in 50 states wow. You've never been to 43 states, by your own admission, but you know that "this is the only area where back yard kennels are so extremely common."

    You are full of SH!T!! If you have a statement to make and want the support of people in Wicomico County then don't lie to us with your BULLSH!T.

    By the way, the kennels you are referring to are in Salisbury, go bullsh!t Jake Day.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Why would you type in all CAPS. That's one lazy employee.

    February 1, 2018 at 12:28 PM

    Where do you see all caps?

  12. Do hope people on here will keep to
    the question Mr. Kilmer ask . He's
    wanting Public opinion on the Laws
    they're wanting changed.


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