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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Two Mayors and Their Internal Affairs

There are some insidious infestations of moral corruption in local governments — call it the "Clinton effect."

There has rightly been a lot of focus this week on high-level political corruption by a handful ofDemocrat deep-state operatives in the FBI and DoJ.

But there is also an insidious infestation of corruption in some local levels of government across the nation — a trend that’s on the increase and that belittles the faith and family cultures in those communities. While the exposure of financial corruption at those levels often leads to political resignations, there is an unfortunate trend when moral corruption is exposed: the refusal of the perps to resign.

Call it the “Bill Clinton Effect.”

There was a time when Democrats could depend on their Leftmedia outlets to “underreport” moral corruption, as was famously the case with John F. Kennedy. That media gauntlet held for Clinton’s early years in office, when his equally ambitious and corrupt spouse, Hillary, defended him against serial and credible charges of rape and sexual assault. Her modus operandi was to assail the character of Bill’s accusers and, with the help of a complicit media, to undermine their credibility.

But Clinton’s infamous affair with a young White House intern, and his subsequent finger-wagging lies about it, lowered the national bar for political consequences in cases of abject moral corruption.


1 comment:

  1. The Clinton/Lewinsky affair started the downward trend on newspapers and TV news. People finally realized that the news wasn't necessarily about the truth.


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