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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Two Charged With Child Abuse In Wicomico Co.

(MARDELA SPRINGS, MD) – Two women were arrested today and charged with multiple counts of child abuse involving children in their custody in Wicomico Co.

Those charged are identified as Amanda R. Wright, 29, and Besline Joseph, 25, both of the 14000-block of Norris Twilley Road, Mardela Springs, Md. Both are charged with three counts each of first degree child abuse, second degree child abuse, first degree assault, second degree assault, reckless endangerment, neglect of a minor, stalking, use of a dangerous weapon with intent to injure, false imprisonment and one count each of causing ingestion of a bodily fluid, preventing/interfering with report of suspected child abuse or neglect, and conspiracy to commit first degree child abuse.

The suspects were arrested this morning at their home on arrest warrants obtained from the District Court Commissioner’s Office in Wicomico County. They will be taken to the Wicomico County Detention Center for processing and their initial appearance before a court commissioner.

On January 26, 2018, information was received at the Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack regarding allegations of child abuse involving the suspects. An investigation was immediately initiated by the Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division, in cooperation with Child Protective Services personnel assigned to the Wicomico Child Advocacy Center. Based on the allegations, Child Protective Services officials removed the three children from the home the night the investigation began.

Investigators determined the three victims, ages 8, 9 and 10, resided with Wright and her live-in girlfriend, Joseph. The investigation has revealed that since late spring or early summer of 2017, the three children endured physical beatings on multiple occasions from both suspects. The beatings are believed to have been inflicted with hands, extension cords, belts, sticks and other objects. The children sustained bloody noses, bruises and cuts. The investigation also revealed the suspects assaulted the children multiple times with an electronic control device.

Investigators have learned the children were reportedly locked in closets and a basement. There was limited time when they were not confined. They were reportedly fed a diet of bread, water, oatmeal and, at times, were forced to eat dog feces. The children were said to have been threatened with death if they told anyone about the abuse.

During the search warrant service today, investigators obtained an electronic control device. They also found other evidence that supported information developed during the investigation.

The investigation is continuing.


  1. What is wrong with people! No matter the sentence those kids will carry those experiences for a lifetime.

  2. WTFH? Thank God those children are out of there. This has been going on since Spring 2017? I certainly hope the schools reported this. From the description of the children's injuries it had to be be obvious something was not right at home. Throw the book at them.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. You know those poor children were dirty. I sure as hell hope it was reported. But why tf did it take so long. This makes me completely sick. God I pray for this babies. And I so wish these nasty disgusting animals get what they deserve. An eye for an eye would deter some crimes, I’m convinced. I wish somebody would make them eat shit.

  3. Special place in H#LL for these two. Thank God someone FINALLY spoke up!

  4. 3 children in the custody of 2 females? Hmmmmm.

  5. These two pieces of s--- need to be shot

  6. Need to take them out to a swamp put them on their knees and tie em to a stump and let the critters do the rest.

  7. Considering the children's ages, one would think that the schools would have noticed this. They notice everything. They are even trained on noticing these things via online 1x a year.
    Friends, neighbors?
    I am no busy body, but I would have noticed if a child was malnourished or recently beaten.

    very sad.

    1. It’s said when as a teacher you KNOW something is going on and report it and not a damn thing gets done about it. Do you know how many children there actually are living in the same conditions in this county. You call and report until your blue in the face and nothing gets done. Social Services’s in Salisbury is a f’in joke

  8. Let's start a game reserve for degenerates like this. Sell memberships and give the money to the groups that help kids.
    Make 'em run around with horns. I can think of a hundred people who would donate for that.

  9. Where are the fathers of the children? Sad!!!

    1. LOL! That's the funniest joke I've heard all day!

  10. I believe in corporate punishment and jail for those two females in cases like this. Maybe they will receive what they truly deserve.

  11. Do we even know if they were attending school?

  12. For them, the abuse didn't start with this generation, not that this is any sort of excuse.

    1. I’m sure you are right. These kind of things seem to be generational. If they were treated this way as children they will treat their children the same. It’s not an excuse but is the reality

  13. I'm sure the women's march or BLM will help?

  14. Go get 'em Jamie Dykes!

  15. 4:09
    It could have been a teacher that reported them. It is also possible they moved around a lot so a teacher might not have noticed if they spent little time with them. All that matters now is that they are away from those animals. I hope they lock them up for a very long time.

  16. What a great contribution to society by these two lesbians.

  17. They will be right at home in the bing. They eat more than commissary on the female block

  18. Look into the eyes, They are soulless... no longer human beings.

  19. I really hope wherever these two are, they are fed dog poop and made to eat it.

  20. Nice looking couple there!

  21. It’s CORPORAL punishment u believe in and I’m glad u have no say in it moron.

  22. Omg no punishment is severe enough for what these children had to endure.

  23. No punishment is severe enough for what these children had to endure...omg...really?

  24. The article didn't say which woman was the parent and if neither how did those children come to be living there? Seems to me the social service people are very much at fault and maybe the teachers also.Serious investagating is needed and heads need to roll. When these kids get older they will probably be seeking revenge and I wouldn't blame them but hopefully both women will be in prison for a very long time. But I doubt it!

    1. One of them is the mother. Why the teacher? If no visible signs and hidden under
      Clothing g how would they know. Let’s put he blame where it belongs.

    2. I know these kids and this even surprises me. They play with other kids and there were no signs of issues. Mom scared them into not telling and covered up their injuries with clothing. Don’t blame the school either. I know for a fact that reports were made about how dirty they were.

  25. They are worse than heinous crimes. A special place in hell for people like this.

  26. These two are nothing more than pure trash - they will burn in hell for all the heinous things they have done to those children.

  27. The liberal mind set dictates that we should not kill people in the name of justice because that is not the way of enlightened societies. In our desire to "evolve" we have lost all good sense. People like this should be executed swiftly and publicly. Back when our country had common sense, hangings were done in public. Why? To assure the citizens that justice was swift and appropriate AND to assure would be criminals that there are consequences to their actions. What message do we send by feeding and housing them? We tell criminals we are weak and stupid. Which is exactly what liberalism is...weak and stupid.


  28. Hope after conviction they are put in the general population in prison.

  29. Those two low life lesbians have made the national news with their sick family abuses. I hope they lock them up for a long time.

  30. From looking at the photo of Amanda, I am not convinced it is a female.


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